Chapter 2

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Jen woke up the next morning to golden beams of sunlight streaming through the blinds. Her breath hitched when she became aware of the feeling of Lana's body pressed against hers. Lana was practically spooning her, with her hand resting lightly on her hip. Jen closed her eyes and sighed quietly, imagining what it would be like to wake up like this every morning. It was absolute bliss. After a few moments, she carefully pulled away from Lana and got out of bed, pulling the covers back over the Latina's sleeping form. Jen stood there for a moment, unable to tear her eyes from the Lana's beautiful, peaceful face. She imagined what it would feel like to run her fingers through her hair, to trace her finger over the scar on her upper lip, to kiss her eyelids, along her jaw, her lips ... Jen quickly pushed the thoughts away. She needed to stop thinking about things like this, because it was never going to happen, and daydreaming about it was only going to make everything worse. She squared her shoulders and made her way down the hall to the kitchen. She frowned, looking for Ginny and Emilie; they hadn't been in their bedroom when she had passed it.

"Jen, we're out here!" came Emilie's voice though the screen door from the front porch.

"I made coffee if you want some," Ginny told her. "The Keurig's on the counter."

"Thanks," Jen smiled gratefully, grabbing a mug from one of the cabinets and filling it up. She joined her friends on the porch, settling into one of the wicker chairs.

"Did everything go okay with you and Lana last night?" Emilie asked.

"Yeah, of course."

Emilie's smiled.

"We were thinking of going down to the beach at about 11," Ginny said, "and packing lunches to take down there."

"Sounds great!" Jen exclaimed.

The three of them chatted and a while later, Lana joined them, already dressed and ready for the day. They made sandwiches for lunch and got ready for the beach. Jen put on a sky blue two-piece and a white gauzy coverup. She swept her hair back into a low, loose bun and slid on her wide-frame sunglasses.

"Ready?" Lana asked her.

Jen turned around to see that she had come out of the bathroom wearing a strappy black bikini and a see-through spaghetti strap sundress.

She almost choked. "Yes," she managed to say.

"Great! Let's go."

She grabbed her towel and followed Lana out of their room into the kitchen, where Ginny and Emilie were packing up the sandwiches. The four women walked across the lawn and down the stone steps to the beach. It was a beautiful, sunny day. The sand was a light, almost white tan and the water was a clear, stunning blue. There were other people farther down the beach, but their area was quiet.

They set up their towels and Emilie immediately reclined onto hers, announcing that she was taking a nap. Ginny settled in with an audiobook.

"Want to go down to the water?" Lana asked.

"Sure," Jen smiled.

She stifled a moan as Lana pulled off her sundress, revealing her smooth, golden skin. Jen quickly cast aside her coverup and followed her friend down to the ocean. They walked until the waves were lapping against their feet. The water was cold but not unbearable. They talked for a while about what had happened to their characters in Season 2 and what they thought was in store for them next. They waded out until the water brushed their knees, but didn't go any further. Jen would sometimes zone out when Lana was speaking because she would get lost in her eyes, but then she'd snap back to reality.

"Do you think they'll ever make Swan Queen canon?" Lana asked her.

"I don't know," Jen chuckled. "There sure are some fans out there who would want it to happen. But I think our characters will have to get closer as friends first."

Lana nodded. "Yeah, definitely. But a few seasons down the road, who knows?"

Jen smiled.

"We'd get to do all sorts of fun things on set," Lana said with a wink.

God, was she flirting? Jen let herself believe it for a sweet moment before reminding herself that this was just Lana's nature, and she acted this way with everyone ... didn't she? Her heart rate doubled as she thought about what that would be like to film. She would get to kiss her, the kiss she'd dreamed about since she had first laid eyes on the brunette that first day on set. It would be beautiful, to get to be in a relationship with her on screen. But on screen was all it would ever be, and as soon as the director yelled "Cut!" and the cameras switched off, she would have to come back to reality and it would be even more painful than before.


She jolted out of her daze, realizing that she had been staring deep into Lana's eyes. "What? Sorry, did you say something?"

Lana smiled. "What were you thinking about?"

Jen cleared her throat. "Nothing--I ... nothing, sorry."

Lana lay her hand gently on her arm and chills shot down her spine. "Are you okay?"

She looked up to see genuine concern in Lana's beautiful deep brown eyes and swallowed. "Of course! I'm fine. I was just lost in thought."

And lost in you.


Sand flicked up onto her calves as Jen jogged down the beach to keep up with Lana. It was late afternoon and the four women had been lounging on their towels when they had heard thumping music coming from further down the beach. Lana insisted that they had to go check it out, because it was probably a party. Now she was running towards it, Jen, Ginny, and Emilie in tow.

"You know, if this really is some sort of beach party, we can't just crash it," Emilie pointed out.

"Sure we can," Lana argued. "If it's big enough, no one will even notice us."

Finally, they crested a hill and they were able to see it. And it was big. There was a giant mass of people dancing to music pumping from large speakers and there was a long table with food and alcohol.

"Let's go!" Lana cheered.

"This is probably one of those college parties or something," Ginny hissed.

"Who cares? Everyone's probably drunk anyway!" Lana said.

"That's true," Jen agreed.

"Alright, fine," Ginny gave in. "It looks like fun."

They stashed their things behind a bush and went down to the refreshment table. They ordered cocktails and joined the dancing crowd. It turned out that it wasn't a college party at all--it was just a party being thrown by the people renting the house down the street from theirs and anyone was welcome.

The sun began its descent, casting a pink-orange glow over the sparkling ocean. The drinks she'd had were spreading warmth through her body and Jen felt happy and carefree.

"Wanna dance?" a husky voice murmured against her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

She turned around to see Lana raising her eyebrow at her suggestively, her silhouette outlined with the fiery colors of the sunset. Her hair was messy from the wind and her cheeks were pink. She had never looked more beautiful.

"Sure," she whispered.

The brunette stood behind her with her hands on her hips and Jen leaned into her. There was a bouncy song playing, saying something about an island lost at sea. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to get lost in the feeling of Lana's body against hers and her sweet scent surrounding her. She wished that it could last forever. And that night as they got into bed, not bothering to change out of their beach clothes from the day, Lana leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on Jen's cheek before whispering "good night" and curling up deliciously close to her.

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