Chapter Eight

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(I'm really thankful for all the votes and nice comments! You guys are amazing ;-;
Now, since a few of you really wanted me to update, I decided to do so! But, I can't always update right away, as I do have school, and homework, so please refrain from asking me to update right away. I appreciate that you enjoy my story, but I do need time to brainstorm, type, and proofread everything before I publish the chapters! I am human after all. Now, onto the story!)

You were in the dinner room, eating breakfast with the crew. "Thank you for offering to cook breakfast, Y/N-chan and Hina-chan. Both your cooking is delicious." Shizuki complimented, smiling. You smiled back, "Thank you! We're just glad to be of help, so you're welcome!"

Shizuki nodded in return, keeping his smile on his face. He turned to Shiro, "Aren't you going to thank the girls, Shiro? It's only proper to do so."
"Thank you for the meal..." He muttered, avoiding eye contact while fiddling with his food.

Hina smiled, "You're welcome."

You could see him blushing as he looked down at his food. "So, why aren't you eating the bacon I cooked?" Shiro looked up at you, glaring, "Because you suck at cooking."
"Yeah right, you probably can't even cook crap!" You remarked, crossing your arms out of anger.
"Now, now, let's not fight." Shizuki said.


After breakfast and washing the dishes, Hina decided to head back home with S/C escorting her there just in case a murderer appeared.

So, now, it was just you, Shiro and Shizuki. Except that Shizuki was up in his room- so it was just you and Shiro in the living room watching TV.

It was awkward and silent, until Shiro spoke up, "How do I get Hina-chan to like me?"
You turned your head to him, "Well... I'd tell you, but you're sorta a jerk so, ask someone else."

Shiro scoffed, "You're the only person closest to Hina-chan."
You raised a brow, "No... I'm not?"

"You are."

"How would you know?" You asked. "You just like her. It's not like you stalk her- so you don't know if I'm the only closest person to her."
Shiro seemed to become tense, "It's... It was just a guess, besides, you're always with her so I just thought..."

"Oh. Well, right... Hm... But I don't trust you enough to be with Hina-chan. Because if you're going to date her, you have to be approved of by me. And right now, I disapprove of you." You replied, turning back to watch TV.
"Why? What am I doing that you disapprove of so much?" He asked, angrily.
"Everything that you do, I disapprove of." You said, not turning to look at him.

"Fine. I'll change. Only because I want Hina-chan to be mine, and mine only-"

"See!? That's what I hate about you!" You interrupted him, and jumped up. "You're way too possessive! That's what creeps Hina out! If you're going to be her boyfriend, she can't only be yours."

"...I can't help the fact that I love her that much." He mumbled.

Okay. That line was cute. But it's not cute coming from Shiro.

"Change isn't easy. Just... Be gentle around her. She likes having her own personal space, which you seem to always be invading." You said, softer this time.

"You do the same." He said.

"Shush. I'm her best friend." You sat down, "Hina-chan is a gentle person, and sensitive. She's always too kind for her own good, which results in people picking on her to feel superior."

"I know all of that already." He grumbled.

"Oh? How? What?" You raised your brows.

"Tch. Anyone can see she's sensitive and kind." Shiro scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Could you quit getting an attitude?" You asked. "I'll help you, though, just stop being rood."

"I'm not being rude." Shiro said, heaving an annoyed sigh.

"Whatever. Anyways! How about we practice you asking her out?" You asked. Shiro bit his lower lip, "That's..."


"Why do I have to practice that? It's not like I'm going to ask her out now." He said, standing up. "Whatever. This is stupid. I'm going to my room."

"Fine, then. Don't come asking me for help." You shrugged.
Shiro turned and went to his bedroom, leaving you watching TV alone.


"I don't like the fact you two are already so close... Well, it's fine. I've already made a good impression on her." The raven haired male smirked, staring at his wall filled with pictures of her, as well as her items, "You'll be mine soon." He picked up a small photograph of her eating (flavor) ice cream. "...precious..."

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