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Don't dead open inside.

Nah, I'm kidding. My name's Stella or adrienbrody, whatever, and I'm the person that wrote this novel. If you're here, you must be interested in reading my book. Congrats, I hope you enjoy what I have. However, I need to let you know about the tragedy of Before It Happens.

Last year, around this time (June-July), I was revising my book for camp NaNoWriMo, uploading each chapter as I finished it in order to motivate me to keep working. In August, my computer broke and i lost everything I hadn't uploaded to Wattpad.

Know that, going into reading this, you are not going to get a written out ending. On the description, I have written what I can remember of the ending, which isn't much. I hope you can enjoy what I've kept, and I am sorry for any disappointment.

I would like to thank my dad, my friends Kass, Grace, and Louis, and all of my tumblr followers for supporting me while I wrote this novel.

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