Chapter 1

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Naruto's POV

My mom and dad never pay attention to me. They pay attention to 'the hero of Konoha'. They pay attention to him because he has the kyuubi inside of him. I am so done they always say that he is special. They say 'go to your room' or 'we don't have the time'. I call bullcrap on that they have plenty of time for me. They just don't like me. They love Menma. That is all they ever talk about. Menma this, Menma that. That's it I'm going to the forest of death to test my skills.

In the Forest of Death-Still Naruto's POV

" What's that? " I ask myself. I see a pretty necklace and a ring next it along with a bracelet. I put them on and black out.

" Come here young one. "

" Who are you? "

" I am the Sage of Six Paths. "

Of course my mind told me to bow to him. So I did.

" Come on no need for that I am the one who called you. "

" Really? Why me? "

" You have potential. "

" Really? "

" Yes young one. Now you see those pieces of jewelry? "

" Yeah. "

" Put them back on and come towards me. "

" Okay. "

I put them back on and walk towards him. He does some hand signs and taps my heart and head. Then I black out. I wake up in the Forest of Death then run home cause it was getting dark. Everyone was in the kitchen. I went up to then bathroom the looked at my self. I had raven hair and black eyes. I appeared in a mindscape and saw three men. One told me to do the hand sign he was holding up. I did it and I changed back to normal.

"My name is Madara Uchiha."-Madara

" My name is Tobirama Senju."-Tobirama

" Lastly my name is Hashirama Senju. "-Hashirama

" I was the second hokage while Hashirama was the first hokage. "-Tobirama

" Hi my name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. "-Naruto

After I said that I got snapped out of my thoughts by my 'mom' yelling for me to come downstairs. 'Probably about their precious Menma again.' I thought.

No One's POV

Naruto went down stairs and had his head down to try to hold in a laugh. Menma was covered in red paint. 'Looks like the prank worked' Naruto thought. " Naruto what is this about? " Minato asked. " Nothing " he answered innocently. " GO TO YOUR ROOM! " Kushina yelled. " Fine it's not like ever leave it anyways. Oh wait. You wouldn't know cause you never pay attention to me! You think everything's about Menma! You always talk about him Menma this Menma that! You never think about Naruto the other kid that was born on that very same day! You wanna know something sad? " " What would that be? " Kushina asked curiously. " Mr and Mrs. Uchiha treat me like family more than you do. " Naruto said running out of the front door to the Forest of  Death. Leaving a very shocked Kushina and Minato.  

One week later

Naruto has never gone home he has been either at the Uchiha Compound in his Uchiha appearence. Or in the forest training with Madara,  Tobirama and Hashirama. He has the rinne sharingan.

Rinne Sharingan

Ever since he started hanging out with the Uchihas him and Sasuke have become best friends

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Ever since he started hanging out with the Uchihas him and Sasuke have become best friends. Him and Sasuke are walking to the academy with Itachi and they run into Menma, Kushina and Minato. " Hey Itachi, Sasuke. Who's this? " Naruto does the hand sign and they gasp. " N-Naruto? " Kushina asks. " Yeah what about it. It's me whoop de doo. You never cared. Why now? " Naruto asked. "We wanted you to forgie us and we were going to train you. " Kushina said. " My my my who knew. Let's go I can't stand them. Oh by the way I am no longer an Uzumaki or Namikaze. " Naruto said. " Well then what is your last name? " asked Minato. " My name is Naruto Senju Uchiha. " Naruto said then walked away with Itachi and Sasuke. 'Tomorrow he will be in the room for the exams. He will see my true power then.' Naruto thought.

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