Macho Man

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Jareth was knelt down in front of the cupboard, bouncing on the balls of his feet slightly. Staring....just...staring. A blank, but more worried, look on his face.

"I can do this" he tried to convince himself, "Come on Jareth, you've seen Sarah do it millions of times" his voice cracking as he spoke, not quite believing himself.

Sarah had had a go at Jareth for not chipping in with the house work. He didn't work Aboveground, so had plenty of time to muck in around the house.

After what seemed like hours of staring, but was in actual fact only seconds, Jareth reached into the cupboard and grabbed the cleaning supplies and some rubber gloves. Hugging them into his chest as he grabbed as much as he could, then standing up to promptly drop them on the kitchen counter.

He stood back and inspected all the bottles, some with screw tops, some with spray tops, some in plastic containers, some in metal. Soft cloths, sponges, wipes, all sorts. He scratched his head and furrowed his brow as he looked them over, rubbing a hand to his neck in wonderment.

"I suppose I best get started" he reasoned, then looked down at himself. He was wearing a poets shirt, opened almost to the waist, and tight black leggings. He suddenly remembered an incident where Sarah had dropped something called "bleach" down a pair of dark jeans and moaned and huffed for days after at the lightened patch it had caused.

"Hmmm, maybe it would be best to dress appropriately" he thought, wondering what might be appropriate dress for such a task. Bringing his hand to his chin to think for a moment, he then clicked his fingers in a eureka moment "Aha!" he chirped, clicking his fingers again and magicking his armoury onto himself.

Once he looked down at himself, he wondered if he was a tad over dressed for cleaning. Remembering Sarah would wear "old" and more "tatty" clothes to do the house cleaning. Especially since the bleach incident.

Clicking his fingers once more, he magicked some garments that resembled what staff at his castle would wear for cleaning. Scratching at his skin instantly "Ugh!" he moaned "How can they tolerate this infernal itching day to day" he huffed.

Suddenly it came to him. Once when cleaning, Sarah had made an off hand comment about wishing she could wear as little as possible, if nothing, for such tasks, much to Jareth's delight. However, she had concluded that she probably wouldn't have gotten much work done with Jareth around had she cleaned in her nude form, much to Jareth's dismay.

Jareth shrugged and clicked his fingers one last time. Looking down with a smirk on his face.

He giggled to himself slightly when he saw his almost nude form, his eyes trailing down to the thong he was now wearing. Jareth was use to thongs, he quite liked them in fact, and Sarah would take great delight in seeing him in one as she undressed him in their more intimate moments together.

However, this particular thong was a gift from a annoy the King Rat. Jareth had yet to try it out, and seeing as Sarah was currently at work, it wouldn't hurt to try it on.

It was grey and had an elephants face on it, with his cock sitting in the trunk of the elephant. Jareth smirked down at his member proudly when he saw how well he filled it. The fabric of the trunk almost completely tight against his foreskin, stretching the material very gently.

He tested the material of the trunk with his thumb and index fingers, pulling it away from his skin. Thank god it was stretchy.

He smirked mischievously as he slowly scanned his eyes up the kitchen counter and eyeballed the cleaning supplies still laid on the counter top.

His smirk quickly melted away and he sighed heavily "No time like the present".

He put on the rubber gloves and went to dive through the cleaning products, carefully reading the labels. He didn't want to mess this up.

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