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1.  What was your first impression of Taylor?

I thought she was a good singer. When I looked more into her I loved her songwriting and I thought she was funny in interviews. And I thought she was pretty. (She is still beautiful)

2. What was your first Taylor song you heard?

It was either Love Story or You Belong With Me.

3. First Taylor concert you went to?

Speak Now tour.

4. Favorite Taylor music video?

I Knew You Where Trouble. It's so hard to choose. Lol

5. Favorite Taylor guitar?

Her sparkly guitar. When I first saw it I never seen a guitar sparkly before.

6. Favorite tour outfit?

The Fearless band outfit when she first comes out on stage, because the dancers pull it off then ban Taylor has another outfit underneath.

7. How many concerts have you gone to?

I've been to four. Speak Now, Red, 1989 and the Reputation tour.

8. Have you met Taylor?

No :(

9. Favorite Taylor movie she has been in?

Valentine's Day. She was hilarious in it.

10. What song you wish was a music video but didn't?

I always thought Holy Ground would be a good song for a music video.

11. Where you a fan right away or did it take time?

I discovered her in the Fearless era. I know I liked her but I didn't become a fan until Taylor released Speak Now.

12. Out of all of her ex's which one do you with she is still with?

Taylor Lauthner.

13. Who do you with Taylor would do a duet with?

Selena Gomez.

Author's Note

Here is some more random Swiftie stuff.


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