Chapter Nine : Again And Worse

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*from last chapter*

He would never look at me the same.

*unknown person pov's*

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE ESCAPED, YOU PEOPLE CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT." I was done the chick left and killed my two guys now what, I'm gonna have to find her again and this time I'm kidnaping her.

" Boss it's ok we already go her address, her smart ass took the car"

I smiled in satisfaction the car had a tracking device " great we take her today at night" "it won't be easy they have two body guards and there is five guys in the house oh almost forgot the house has three floors with six rooms she could be anywhere in there."

"I find my way"

*Zayn's POV*

"Its ok Selena you had too" i said knowing what she did " come on lets get you clean up and one of you guys call the police tell them that we found her." I took selena up stairs to our room I wanted to ask her some questions " Selena for real are you ok did they touch you " I said worried I wanted to know what hapend when they took her. Instead of her speaking I felt her lips on mine, I missed that.

*Selena's POV*

I kissed Zayn because I couldn't tell him what I did when they took me, how I striped naked a guy then killed him no, I was abused no I would tell him something different, a whole different story.


after telling Zayn something that wasn't true I feel asleep in his arms I missed this so much, I knew I was going to regret what I told him but it was for his best. The guys stayed over and had Paul and some other guy grad the house Zayn really didn't want this to happen again, and neither did I.


I woke up to lots of noise so I got up and checked what it was then I see four guys with guns I go into Harry's room before they see me and awake him up "Harry wake up there someone in the house with guns and I think they want me" I saw his eyes shoot open "oh no Selena hide fast come on I will go get the other lads" he says before going to Louis to wake him up. Were do I hide I know they want me. Then I go under Harry's bed then the door opens before I can hide well the pull me by my feet and hit me hard in the face I try hitting back but its no use they were way stronger they carry me down stairs "NO STOP, HELP ZAYN" we were at the living room then the hit me even harder "shut up" then I see Paul and Joe tied up then Harry's nose bleeding he was blacked out Louis was trying to fight back he actually hit one of the guys and made him fall till he got hit in the head with the side of a gun. No why is this happening, then they tie up Harry Louis Liam then Niall.

Liam and Niall full aware of what was happening " Selena its going to be okay " Liam says trying to calm me down. I try getting up to grab something to fight back with I get punched in the face by one of the guys they he grabs me by the neck "i saw how you killed both guys how you kissed one, how you acted all cute how he undressed while you pulled him in bed with you then how you stabbed him well guess what it doesn't work on me sweet pea" he said throwing me hard to the wall and punching many times making me scream in pain. Then Zayn's door opens "see what you did bitch you woke him up "

*Zayn's POV*

I woke up too a loud scream, then I realized that Selena was no longer in my arms, oh god no why, I ran down stairs to see the guys there tied up along with Paul and Joe the body guards oh no "see what you did bitch you woke him up" a guy said he looked young had brown hair with a gun in his hand, Selena was on the floor cover in blood it looked like they beat her, well know its my turn to beat him "get close and she's gone" he said pointing the gun to her head " what do you want with her" I said full with anger "well it depends is she good in bed" he said laughing "oh that's it " he clicked the gun "step away from the girl" he said this time pulling the lever a bit "Zayn it's okay I will be back again I promise the police will find me and it will be fine" she said crying I couldn't let them take her not again I was such a mess when they first took her "come on take her to the truck " I saw how Selena got scared right way she wasn't tied up or anything she was just beat that she couldn't move but I saw how hard she tried to loosen from there grip. I got hit hard in my leg I fell as they tied me up and left

Oh God my Selena taken again and there's nothing I can do about it.



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