The airport

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Authors: Ricky-Lea (

Josh's POV

I nervously walked into the airport waiting for Seth to text back. I look up at the flight display, my flight was boarding in an hour and I had to go to gate G6. I put my bag on the baggage conveyer to go through the security process.

"Where are you off to this fine morning?" The security asked in a deep grating voice.

"To see a friend of mine!" I reply quickly, there is an awkward silence. If only he wasn't just a friend, if only he knew how a really felt. Every Skype call from him is a blessing to see his soft gentle face, every compliment he gives me makes me feel so overwhelmed. If only he felt the same way.

After a short silence the security sealed my bag and put the tag on it with my name, he then placed it onto a conveyer belt which took it to the baggage room.

"You're right to go!" He approved in a bright yet still grating voice.

I headed over to my gate and checked the time, I still had 40 minutes why did I come so early?     I guess was just to excited to see Seth, finally no more computer barrier I can finally grab his hand and kiss him. I laugh. Who am I kidding, I don't have the guts to do that! Plus what if it doesn't end up how I want it to and he doesn't feel the same?

'Ding!' I heard the default texting sound from an iPhone, I quickly checked to see if it was Seth. Nope. It was just JurshTrash being herself posting another Jeth meme. I unlock my phone and see that she has posted a meme captioning 'When someone doesn't ship Jeth' and it's a picture of Sarah (Bepper) with an angry face. Like usual Triggered_Jurshian has commented agreeing with the post.

How did she know about my feelings towards Seth? Seth is okay with the ship, I pretend I'm not but I actually love it.

I hear another 'Ding' and I look at the top of my screen and see it's from Seth, then he calls me.

"Aye!" I say calmly trying not to sound like I have been thinking about being with him for the past 2 hours.

"Hey! Are you at the airport?"

"Yeah, I have anotherrrrr...." I check my watch, "35 minutes till the plane starts boarding."

"Okay, ring me when your plane lands okay?"

"Wait Seth..."

"Yes Josh?" There is a pause.

"Don't worry." There is another pause.

"Are you sure?" He says in a worrying voice.

"I'm sure" I say.

I put my phone in my pocket and look around trying to find something to do while I wait, I spot the food court. I walk over to McDonalds and buy lunch, as I take it over to my seat I run into a tall guy with small square glasses. Although he has nerdy glasses he doesn't really look like a nerd. My lunch spills all over the floor, as I bend down to pick up my food he starts checking out my ass.

I clear my throat as I see him and he reacts quickly and helps me pick up the chicken from the floor.

"I'm so sorry!" He says in what seems to be a fake sympathetic voice "Can I buy you another meal?"

"Uhh... That would be nice" I say and smile trying to hide my anger.

We walk over to the store and he buys me another meal and as I sit down at my seat he comes and sits across from me with his meal.

"Again, I am so sorry." He says.

"Its okay, you bought me another meal!"

He looks over at my ticket. "Hey! Would you look at that we have the same flight" He pauses and looks at his ticket "aaannddd, it seems like we are sitting right next to eachother! What a coincidence!"

I really wish I could explain how far my eyes went to the back of my head. I am going to be on a flight thinking about Seth with this Idiot in my ear!?

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