Optimus called a meeting and I ran to the meeting grounds and met up with blur. I ran to him and asked what was going on. He gave me a confused look and I got scared I didn't know what to expect. I wanted to walk away I didn't know what to expect but then I said to myself what would blur think if I showed my weaknesses. Optimus Patrol walked over to him with a Decepticon by their side it was blackout. Iris got starry-eyed for second and then she snap back into reality. She said to herself dang it he's a Decepticon and he's a prisoner but still I can't help but notice how cute he is. "This Decepticon caught near our borders would anyone like to volunteer to watch him until we find out what we're going to do with him?" Optimus said. Angel's hand shot up like a bullet. "Ok angle but be careful remember he's a Decepticon" Optimus said. Angel not paying attention said "ok".