Step on it again why don't you

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  11:56 PM

The red light that's blinking  coming from the alarm clock has given me a headache, I don't know why  I do this. I've known what's been going on for months now and I still don't do anything why don't I do anything.  Because maybe it's just a phase in his life, he loves you and he wouldn't hurt you. And now I'm talking to myself great, just go to bed he isn't coming home tonight. Making up my mind I leave the living room of the tower and go towards the bedrooms, I walk by Natasha's room then Clints room that he only uses when were on a missions or right after a mission and he wants to sleep, next follows the lab which the Bruce and Tony are in. I stop in and they're busy doing some math but I stand next to them " Hey guys I'm going to bed. Tell Bucky that he can sleep in his room tonight if he comes home." They take a moment to look at me "where is he" they say at the same time "out" I swing my arms around their shoulder and bring them into me, and give them both a kiss on their cheek and sigh heavily. I walk out and I continue walking down the hallway next room would be Steves and what would follow would be my room that I now share with Bucky and then Buckys old room that he still  has some of his things in, but I stop at Steves door and knock softly praying that he is still awake. I hear patting of feet as the door opens exposing a very sleepy Steve leaning against the door as he rubs his right eye "(y/n)?" He whispers softly "what time is it?" "Midnight, can I sleep with you tonight?" I ask carefully praying he says yes, as I don't want to sleep alone again tonight. "Why? Are you a Buck fighting?" He looks at me with his full attention now. "Kinda... can I just please-" "is he not letting you sleep in your room" he cuts in and he pushes past me ready to have an argument with him, I grab his hand "He's not here... again..." he turns to look at me "again.." he comes closer to me and puts his hand on my cheek to wipe away a tear that I didn't realize I was shedding, I nod alittle and he picks me up bridle style and he lays me on his bed and he crawls up next to me and lays a blanket over us I turn into his chest and just cry I feel his arm's wrap around me "just let out" he murmurs into my hair and I slowly just cry myself out "How long has this been happening" he whispers "a few months, he's been with this girl we met at a coffee shop on a date." I felt steve tighten his grip on my sides "(y/n)..." "I wait for him every night, most nights he doesn't come home. I'm just so tired..." he nods and listens to me, I know he's mad but he doesn't want to tell me he is mad, "Get some sleep (y/n)" he leans over and kisses my forehead "and im so sorry that he's doing this to you." He leans his head on mine, shortly after that I go to sleep.

Time skip **

Bucky pov

I stumbled into the elevator of the tower with Madison on my arm god is she beautiful with that little black dress on. I have a beer bottle that I'm still drinking in my human hand and my medal arm mashes the button over and over again for the floor. Madison giggles and kisses my neck and tugs at my jacket to take it off, letting her taking off and the doors open and I drag her to my bedroom, I walk by the lab when Madison pushes me against the door and we fall on the floor my bottle smashes and we laugh super loud and several other doors open in the hallway and Tony and Dr. Banner look at us and Romanoff, Barton and Steve crowd around the entrance all looking displeased. "Madison this is everyone everyone this is Madison my girl" I smirk and wrap an arm around her, Steve steps forward picking me up and pushing me against the wall "Nat take the girl home." Steve says threw his teeth not losing eye contact with me, my metal hand on his wrist "Steve what's the big idea huh?" He punches me in my face and the guys are trying to pull him off "Did you forget about (y/n), your orginal "girl". She cried her eyes out tonight because she was tired of staying up for you." He punches me again and I push him off and punches him a few times "Who are you to judge me. Maybe I don't love (y/n)" I pull back to punch steve but I glance  behind him and do a double take, "(y/n)..." I whisper Steve and I pull away from each other "(y/n) look I-" she puts her hand up "You dont love me right, get your shit out of my room then, and have fun with the girl from the coffee shop. And since you are so well acquainted with her you can stay with her." I look at her suprised I didn't know she knew that I was with Madison, but I guess that's why she waited for me... she wanted confront me about it or maybe it was to make sure I would just come home but I'll never know. I do love her though why did I say I didn't "(y/n) I don't want you to leave." I say softly trying to walk closer to her, she puts up her hand to stop me "(y/n) I didn't know you knew..." she just shakes her head alittle and scoffs "you came home late from the beginning you had a different shade of lipstick on your face than mine, someone else's perfume, and one day I came home early and when I noticed you weren't home I went looking for you. Maybe be alittle more careful and not pick the place where we use to go all the time genius." I just look at her. "Steve can I stay in your room." He nods at her "(y/n) you can't be serious can't we talk about this" I step towards her more as she turns and leaves "you couldn't possibly step on my heart anymore than you already have. Why would I talk to you." She was already in Steves room with FRIDAY already not letting me in, the guys are at the doorway of the watching me bang on the door for her to let me in. I can't lose her but I already made that choice I know she won't talk to me god I've messed up. I stand on the wall just opposite of the door and I slide against the wall. I can't believe what I've done, not realizing what I had, choosing to pick someone that I didn't really care about. But now I've ruined it all. Now what do I do.....

*thank you everyone for reading these. Please request by messaging me

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