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"Oppa!" I heard someone call out.  I rolled my eyes as I immediately knew whose that was.  I sighed and slowly turned around.  I felt arms wrap tightly around my neck and I stumbled back a little.  The scent of her strong Chanel perfume hit my nostrils and I was already gasping for air.  I looked down to her with a disgusted face and she looked behind my should.  Then, I saw her evil smirk and her dark brown orbs stare into my eyes. 

"Where's Ji Hyun?"

I didn't respond.  I remembered what happened yesterday and pushed her away harshly.  She pouted and followed me to the cafeteria.

"You don't know where she is, don't you?"

I balled my hands into fist as anger ran through my veins.  I felt my eyes tear up and my face turn red trying not to cry from the fact that I couldn't protect her.  The boys and I were supposed to look for her today, but I doubt that we will find her.  Though, a part of me thinks that we'll find her.  I cleared my throat so she knows that I'm annoyed at her talking to me, but she kept following me.

"You know.." I heard her say in a deep-ish voice.  We both stopped in an empty hallway and I faced her with a anxious look on my face.  She smirked and took a few steps closer to me.  She leaned forward to my ear and whispered.

"I might know where she is."

I widened my eyes and and responded quickly.

"Really?  Where?" I asked.  I was nervous for her answer.  She might have been involved with her kidnapping, but what if she's actually the one that kidnapped Ji Hyun?  I'm fucked if she leading me into some kind of trap or something.  Sorts of dangerous thoughts roamed through my brain until Areum ran her fingers through my hair.  Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked down to her and saw a small smirk forming slowly on her plump, pink lips.

"If you want me to tell you where she is, you have to do one thing for me."

She placed her thumb on my lips and placed her hand on my cheek, caressing it softly and gently.

"You have to break up with Ji Hyun and be with me instead."



Short chapter lol
I'm sorry for the cliffhanger.  I'm reading your comments and I was laughing my ass off.  I'll try and update tomorrow if I have the time.  Sorry for any grammar mistakes ~  ouo

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