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Ariana Dallas, little sister of Cameron Dallas. An amazing bond that's never broken. They always spend time together. He is protective of her no matter what. They can't stay mad at each other for more than 20 minutes. Her with an age of 10 and him of 14.

One day, Nash, one of Cameron's best friends older by one year invites him to live with him and some other friends in L.A. He accepted the offer. His mom agreed with the condition of not making stupid choices, keep going to school, and keep contact.

He was to cough up on the whole moving thing, he forgot to tell Ariana.

Ariana was upset. She cried herself to sleep knowing her brother won't be there to protect her from her bullies. After 3 months, she lost hope in seeing him any time soon. She changed, she learned how to hide her emotions, she's learned not to trust no one and not to care about no one. She started standing up for herself, keeping her chin up high not letting no one bring her down.

That's only how she looks. Deep down in her heart, she was not confident, she was scared to trust someone, she was scared to be left alone again. She was broken.

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