(chap 7)

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❝being with each other was enough❞


❝i like you❞

it's been a week since they had seen each other, luna was feeling nostalgic from their last meeting. They played around and got to know more about each other after they went to the cemetery. She grew more fond with him, and luna started to feel a great bond with the boy

Every time she saw him glance at her, she would feel flustered. Every time he smiled, even just a grin, it made her very jittery and soft inside. Every time the boy complimented her, her heart would beat faster. Luna was very foreign to the feeling as the boy was his first friend to make her feel this way.

It wasn't long until she realized that she was slowly falling for the boy, she couldn't get him of her head and she always seemed to wonders where he is. Luna seemed to care more about him and that made her even more determined to find the boy's culprit.

Luna chose to come back to the cemetery and drop by his grave in hopes to see a clue pop up. She walked with heavy steps and full determination, luna was feeling outraged and intrigued as to what the cemetery

When she entered the cold metal gates of the area, she let out a sigh of breath before making her way towards Levi's grave as to her surprise, she wasn't alone

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