The party and the connection

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Alice p.o.v

Its been almost a year since I seen Nick. After the government took down the video evidence of his transformation the topic took a major rise it was all anyone talked about and therefore I was constantly attacked by people on the street and news reporters. People protest on what other supernatural things the government was keeping from the public and other riots. Eventually the topic finally began dying down around the end of the year and was lost in the back of peoples mines as quick as in came.

I was worried about Nick he's all I seemed to think about when my mind wasn't distracted with everything else. I wondered why he hadn't come find me I figured that maybe the government found him and took him to some base to torture him and open up his insides, the thought made me worry more. I tried to occupy myself with helping Marabelle plan for her big party she has every year for her birthday she was turning 15 this year and like all her other birthday's it had to be huge and fabulous. I tried to spread the word out until all of New York heard about it as she specifically asked. I hoped that if Nick was still around maybe he would hear about it and I would get to see him again.

Today Marabelle grabbed me ot my house and to the shopping district to look for a dress that we were goin to wear for the party, she was thinking something big and poofy which was definitely far from what I had in mind.

After a lot of trying on clothes and arguing we eventually found a dress for me. A slim pink dress that had ruffles at the bottom. I twirled around in it as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"You look amazing Alice and I mean that in extreme caps followed by 10 exclamation points." I giggled

"Thanks Belle." I went back in the dressing room to change bac into my jeans and shirt.

"So Alice who are you taking to my party."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean silly I mean who's going to be your date don't tell me your coming to my party without one because we may be besties but you need to sport your stuff."

I stepped out and fixed myself up"Stuff?"

Marabelle sighed, "Gosh your hopeless I mean what's a beautiful dress and a beautiful girl without a handsome guy by your side."

I grabbed my purse and the dress out of the changing room and we began looking for something for Marabelle.

"Well who are you taking?" Marabelle laughed,

"As if anyone is worthy enough besides I'm already the parties center of attention the boys will come to me."

"Isn't your brother going?"

"You mean Henry yeah I guess he's going with some girl from the drama club I think her names Casy or something."

"Bet you had something to with that." She laughed

"Of course I did I am a match maker. I can do the same for you if u want there has to be someone...Gosh all these dresses aren't good enough we'll just have to go somewhere else more worthy." This is something she said about the last 5 stores we went to.

Me and Marabelle payed for my dress and she dragged me to yet another store. Eventually after walking all day she settled with a big purple dress and matched it with a tiara we found on our search.

After shopping Marabelle left with her dad to go over party plans and I walked home with my dress, shoes and other things Marabelle insisted I use and wear. I never thought about bringing a date but maybe it was a good idea.

I thought maybe Nick would like to do it if he was here but I knew he couldn't be seen in public just in case anybody saw his face. I never knew how badly I missed a guy I barley knew but he's been though hell and back.

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