1st September 1971

52 3 4

Black, Sirius

Hello. Another Black.

Sirius felt the numbed fear that had been building in him since he'd been presented with his letter, by Kreacher, months ago reach a crisis point. His insides felt like they were physically quivering. He gritted his teeth.

"Don't do it." He hissed at the hat, squeezing his eyes shut as though it'd give the words more conviction. "Please don't. I'm not like her. I'm not like them."

Yes, well I'm glad we agree. I see not a cunning bone in you, Sirius Black. Nor do I detect any great respect for ambition...

Sirius didn't care that he'd just been insulted by an old hat. To hear it, from an impartial judge, that he wasn't like the others (even in the most basic association) made him slump out of his ridged posture in relief. He'd been so confused, for so long, and pulled in every direction since he first questioned his family as to what kind of person he really was. It felt like a release to be un-cuffed from this one Black tradition.

You're quite welcome. Now, what would you say to "GRYFFINDOR!"

Sirius pushed up the old hat to reveal the Great Hall in all its cheering glory, and the right-most table clapping almost aggressively in welcome. He flicked his gaze over to the table nearest the doors to see the cool expression of his cousin Bellatrix, her dark eyes boring into him even from this distance. Before he could feel any real nervousness, however, he grinned at the sight of his biggest cousin, Andromeda, head girl badge gleaming on her chest, elbow Bellatrix so roughly she nearly fell off the bench. Sirius grinned back at her and hurried to the Gryffindor table still smiling, the image of his cousin clapping for him filling his chest with happiness like a tidal wave.

Evans, Lily

Lily screwed up her face as the old, frayed and rather dirty hat dropped down over her eyes and obscured the hundreds of faces in the great hall that had been staring up at her. It was oddly comforting, if a bit stuffy. It felt as though she were completely alone, removed from the fears of being separated from her family, and her sister, being in a new place and the possibility of being away from Severus for the first time since she'd stepped onto the magical platform.

No need to be so worried.

Lily stifled a gasp as a clear voice seemed to ring through her skull like an empty chamber.

I'm just flicking through to see where I should put you.

Lily didn't like the insinuation that the hat was rifling through her thoughts, but she capitalised on the opportunity and thought as hard as she could; I want to go where Severus goes.

Lily thought she could hear a smile in the hat's next words. I haven't sorted a Severus yet. We'll have to see how similar your two are, won't we? Is he intelligent? You'll make a model student I'm sure... proud of your own curiosity and ability... perhaps Ravenclaw?

But what's this?

The hours old memory of her father on the platform had creeped to the forefront of her mind. He'd squeezed her tight, called her 'Flower' and assured her that she could always come home, if it was too much. That things didn't have to change, he'd said. She didn't have to be brave.

And yet, here you are, Lily Evans, with no intention of leaving. So decisive and stubborn so young. I know when I see a "GRYFFINDOR!"

Someone whipped the hat off her head, pulling loose strands of copper hair free from her long, neat plait and she saw the table furthest from the huge doors giving her a particularly enthusiastic applause. She took a deep breath to push down the shock and allowed her face to break into a wide smile and she walked to the raucous end table, trying not to think of Severus behind her.

Marauders 1971 - 1978Where stories live. Discover now