On the planet Yordain, where Decents and Shrees live, is a unlynched Shree. She seeks others and uses her powers for help. Her Master died long ago and she is now free. Or is she......
The Shadows changed. First Dark then Light. The Decents didn't mind it until they felt pain. Sharp, searing pain up their legs, their torsos, and then their heads, taking over their brain. Then, she came, invisible as if she was using Hade's Helm and sliced the necklace of one of the Decents. The necklace she took, and the crawled away upstairs. There, she found one room in the attic, a perfect size for the key. Crrrrea....kkkkk went the door. She slide inside and found what she was looking for. A wounded, bloody Shree with blue eyes staring at her. She whimpered and then said, "Are....Are you the infamous Alisha?" And then all the shadows ceased and then there stood, the one and only Alisha. She had purple/blue eyes, all her powers (She didn't get lynched), and a stunning outfit that was black and fit all her feminine curves. In one whisk, she took the Shree and teleported away....
"Maria! I got a newbie here!" Called Alisha. She was referring the newbie as the Shree who was called Chrissy. Maria, was another unlynched Shree that knew how to heal. The wounded Shree was bleeding like crazy but as soon as Maria touched her, all her wounds were healed. Some would call this magic, some would call this supernatural, and some would call this reality....
Chrissy looked at Alisha in wonder. She thought that Shreess were supposed to be lynched since she had been. Alisha looked at her with her fearsome gaze and Chrissy thought of three things all of them in order, friend, princess, goddess! Chrissy looked shaken and Alisha chuckled. She said that she could mingle with minds. She could go in and paw through the secrets, the feelings, and the wonders inside. Chrissy looked dumbfounded as she should have been in the first place. Alisha quickly changed the topic by saying, "Come Chrissy, I'll show you to your bedroom!" I ran off with her.
My bedroom was a mess. Spiderwebs were everywhere and it was gray with dust. Not to mention, the whole room stank! Also, all Alisha said was, "Have fun cleaning the room up!" She also smiled as she said it. "You have approximately 1 hour and 7 minutes until it's time for the tour. Be ready!" I looked at the bedroom in disgust as Alisha left. It had a bed, some drawers, a mirror, a bathroom, a closet, a fridge, and a chest. I decided to start cleaning the room...
I dusted and cleaned and wiped until I smelled like the room! Alisha sang, "34 more minutes!" I smiled as I looked at my hard work. Everything was now tidy and neat. I quickly took off my clothes and went to take a bath for 20 minutes. "Ahh!" The relaxing and beautiful scent of the bath. I quickly climbed in and sank myself. It felt so relaxing! After I was done, I took a good look at my closet. Two things were already in there. My clothes that I was wearing before, and a whole set of black clothes! I put them on and ran to Alisha for the "Tour"....
The Shrees
AdventureOn the planet Yordain, there are ten kingdoms, the Ten Fury Kingdoms, locked in a vicious battle for dominance. Allies backstab, enemies wage war, and friendship and hatred alike are kindled between borders. Each kingdom is unique with its own resou...