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Vegeta pov

The thing about being pregnant with three children and a mate that's the strongest in the whole f**king universe is that everyone wants to fight.

"I HERD THE STRONGEST MAN IN THE WORLD IS HERE AND I WANT HIM NOW!" I looked out of one of our windows to see a Alien about the size as Yamcha screaming his lungs out.

"Mommy why is he screaming."

"Stay inside with your brothers Vegito."

"Mom I'm old enough to fight now...."

"I said to stay inside I doubt this guy is a threat but your in charge of your brothers in case anything happens no arguments you got that." Ryuto nodded his head pushing his brothers backs to the basement. I walked outside my armor already on.

The bad thing was that Goku had left early that morning to go to the store for my damn cravings, so I would have to be careful.

"Wait wait are you.." the Alien like creature came to the ground when I walked outside. Now that I could see him closer his skin was a bright silver color with dots going down the middle of his head. He wore battle armor and muscles that were probably the size of Vegito.

"Prince Vegeta? HA HAHAHAHAHA." I scowled.

"YOUR the strongest man the same monkey that got his planet and his people destroyed of!" I could feel a vein popping up from my head.

"I guess I'll just have to destroy you then."

"ENOUGH talk take your best shot bitch." He lunged forward crushing the ground that I was standing on before flying up trying to hit me with every blow he could throw but I dodged each on with ease.

"Hmmm your pretty strong now, but I wonder if you can block THIS." The brute punched his chest straight into the side of our house. I groaned before standing up.

'Shut this guy is strong, but I can't turn super saiyan since the babies so small I'll crush it.' I stood back up regaining my composure.

"I single punch Vegeta?" He narrowed his eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you monkey have these humans made you soft." This time I lunged at him punching every place I saw available and gained some distance.

"BIG BANG ATTACK!" Millions of beans shoot out at him and while the thick back smoke covered the air. I practically gasped for air, I felt like I just ran a marathon around the world four times.

"HAHAHA, oh Vegeta my mistake your still so weak, maybe even weaker now I'm intrigued." The Alina teleported right in front of me punching me in the face over and over till we were both in the air, he grabbed me from behind speeding down back to earth before throwing me to the ground.

I landed on my back, it felt like my bones were crushed and he landed next to me.

"UGH your so weak it makes me feel bad...almost." He let his leg go back before kicking me right in the stomach with all of his might sending me back into one of the trees that surround our house.

Normally a blow like that would do nothing to me but a part of me died knowing that a blow like that could have just killed me baby. But my strength seemed to disappear and getting up felt impossible.

"I wish this fight lasted longer but I still have to find the strongest fighter and that can't happen with you walking around." He pointed his hand up a ball of energy welling up in his hand. But before it was even shot of Kyoya came out of no were with a beam strong enough to knock the enemy on his back.

"Mom mom are you alright." I struggled to sit up.

"I'm fine Ryuto get back inside with your brother-"

"Well well well you piece of shit, I'll kill you." The Silver being ran up throwing my son into the side of the house.

"You know what f**k it." I stood up going Super Saiyan 2.

Before punching the asshole through the ground.

"Shit Ryuto are you okay?!" Vegeta picked up his son letting him lay in my shoulder.

"So he's your offspring it's okay I'll kill both of you." He sprung forward but right when he was closing in Goku teleported in front of the brute.

"And who the HELL are you?!"

"Me you can just call me your own personal hell now move out the way." Goku grabbed his throat.

"Leave or I'll kill you now." Goku growled in his face it must have been enough because The silver Alien ran off.

I set Ryuto on the ground and through my blurry vision I could see his brothers running from the house.

"Vegeta are you alright, sorry I was on my way back and then I saw your blast but his ki was covering up your and Vegeta VEGETA." Over Gokus babbling Vegeta powered down. His vision blurring before the whole world became black and quiet.

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