chapter 15

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        Justin p.o.v

   I was waken up by Scooter. " Justin, get up". Scooter said. I groaned and then sat up. I got of my bed and went to the bathroom. After doing my bathroom routine, I changed my clothes. I then

walked out the tour bus and got into my car. The crew was gonna drive behind me. I had finally arrived at my house. I waved bye to everyone and walked inside

my house. There wasn't anyone inside. I figured they were out so I decided to take a nap, since I was interrupted earlier. I went to my room and layed on my bed I then drifted off into a deep sleep

          Kayla p.o.v

    Chaz and I were on our way back home, from breakfast. When we arrived I saw Justin's car outside. I was so excited that I was gonna see him, after 2 weeks. Which felt like 2

years. I was still upset about the whole cheating thing, but maybe Selena had lied to me. I can't last a second without him. I smiled at Chaz. " I geuss you can be at home without me now". Chaz said. I nodded and then walked out of the car. I unlocked

the door and walked in. I heard someone in the kitchen. I walked in and saw Justin cooking. I walked up behind him and

hugged him tight. He soon turned around.

His eyes were full of hurt. " Kayla, can I ask you something"? He asked. I nodded. He then grabbed my wrist and brought me to the couch. I sat down and stared at

Justin. " Kayla, is it true that you are dating Chaz?  Are you cheating on me"? He asked. I was in shock. " No, Justin I would never. Why"? I asked. " I saw a picture of you and him together and one

of his hands was on your back and the other hand  was on your back". he said. I giggled. He looked at me with confusion. " Justin I think its time you know". I said. " know what"? He asked confused. Here I go I'm about to tell him.  " Justin......I'm.....I'm

Pregnant". I said. Justin's eyes popped out of his head, but then it turned into a smile. " Kayla, oh my gosh. Why didn't you tell me"? He asked. " Because I was scared you were gonna leave me or that your

job was more important". I said. Justin smiled and pulled me into his chest. " I would never leave you". He said. I smiled and kissed him. " so when can we see it". He said. " Umm....well in about a couple

months until we can find out the gender". I said. Justin nodded. " Well if its a girl, I like the name Isabella. If its a boy I like the name Joshua". He said. " Oh my gosh,

Justin. I love those names". I said. He smiled. We got off the couch and walked to his room. " My body hurts". I said. Justin chuckled. " Do you want a

massage"? Justin asked. " That would be great". I said. Justin sat on his bed with his legs wide open.  I giggled and walked over and sat in between his legs. Justin then began to massage my shoulders.  "

Ohh, right there. That feels good". I said as Justin contiued to rug my shoulders. Justin giggled. After about 5 more minutes, he was done with my back. " Kayla, have you spoken to your mom"? Justin asked. " OH MY GOSH MY MOM IS

SUPPOSED TO BE HOME TODAY"! I yelled. Justin's eyes grew big. " You wanna see her tomorrow"? He asked. " Would you please take me"? I asked. Justin nodded. " Anything for you my,

Princess". He said. I smiled from ear to ear and turned around to hug him. I hugged him and then repeatedly pecked

his lips.I pulled away. " I'm tired" I said followed by a yawn. Justin giggled.  He then layed down, wrapped his arms around me, and pull me Into his chest. I snuggled up close and slowly fell asleep. Yeah tomorrow I can see my mommy.

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