Everything was fine

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Louis' P.O.V.

When we stepped out of the office, there was even more people outside. Julia had a frightened look on her face.

"Don't worry." I said to her. "We'll be fine."

She looked up at me and said. "I hope so."

"Hey Paul!" I said to Paul as he was about to open the door.

"Could you carry her!" I asked and pointed at Julia

"I have a name." She said.

"Could you carry Julia." I asked and looked at Julia.

"Sure." He said and picked her up. "Stay here. I'll carry her to the car then come back to get you guys."

"K!" I said and he went through all the screaming girls to the car. Harry started waving at all the girls. "Don't wave at them! that's just going to get them even more wound up."

"Hahaha." Niall said. (That's my favorite quote by him ;) ).

Harry stopped waving and then we could see Paul coming back.

"This is amazing." Liam said. "I'm proud of you guys." He said and put his arm around me.

"You know what." I said. "I'm proud of me too."

"Don't ruin the moment." Zayn said. Geez. Some people can't take a joke.

"Ok who first." Paul said shocking us. Niall stepped back. He doesn't enjoy this kind of thing.

"Me!" I said and jumped into Paul's arms.

"Get ready." He said. "It's going to be a bumpy ride."

He carried me through all the girls and to the car. I lost a shoe and a sock, part of my shirt, and a few hairs. Besides that it was a pretty fun ride. When I got in the car Julia was in there with a worried look on her face.

"See. We're fine." I said. Then I realized that before she went through the crowd of girls she wasn't wearing shorts, and she was wearing a jacket. "Oh, I see you lost some of your clothes."

"I don't really care" she said. "It was uniform anyway."

"Yeah, I never like uniform." As soon as I said that Harry came stumbling into the car.

"Well that was fun." He said. "Hi Julia."

"Hi." She said.

"How are you."

"Good." She said.

"That's good." He said and sat back.

"You act like we're on vacation." I said and he sat up.

"Well sorry for resting when I can." He said. Then Zayn came stumbling in. He looked fine, except that his shirt was gone.

"Anyone got an extra shirt?" he asked.

"Nope. You better hope we don't get mobbed again before you get another short or else you'll be waking around in your skeleton." I said. Then Liam jumped into the car. Like Julia, he was now wearing shorts.

"Well, we are getting into the kind of season for shorts." He said.

"Now we wait for Niall." I said.

"Dude, Niall's freaking out." Zayn said.

"He won't go out of the orphanage." Liam said.

"I got this." I said and stood on the edge of the car floor and yelled. "Hey!"

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