Chapter 3

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Jayda!- Hakeem shook me

I jumped up- You good?- He asked

I sat up looking around breathing heavy

Are you okay? You were shaking- Hakeem asked

Yeah I'm good, I was asleep?- I asked tryin to remember my dream

Yeah, for like 20 minutes, I went upstairs to get ready for my game- Hakeem said

Is your girlfriend here?- I asked

No, I would have told you- Hakeem said

Okay- I said looking around

You sure you Okay?- Hakeem asked

Yeah, where's Kyle?- I Asked

Who the hell is Kyle?- Hakeem asked

What? Why Kyle?- I asked

Who is that?- Hakeem asked

Oh shit Jalen- I rubbed my face

Yeahh- Hakeem said

Where is he?- I asked

In the shower- Hakeem said

Okay- I said

What made you say Kyle?- Hakeem asked

I uh, he was in my dream I guess- I said

Doing what?- Hakeem asked

I don't remember, I just remember shooting him- I said

Hakeem laughed- That shits not funny my nigga- I said

Nah it really is, why you kill him?- Hakeem asked

I don't know, don't wanna talk about it- I said

You sure?- Hakeem asked

Yeah, where's my phone?- I asked

In your hand- Hakeem said

Oh yeah- I said

I have to go to my game, I'll see you you coming?- Hakeem asked

Of course- I said walking upstairs

Okay- Hakeem said

Lock the door- I said

Okay- Hakeem said

Shit make me wanna go to his game strapped, just scared the shit out of me

Jayda- Jalen said

Yeah?- I asked

My phone was ringing can you see who it was?- Jalen asked

Kenya- I asked

Okay- Jalen said

Who is that?- I asked

My cousin- Jalen said

Cousin from where? She's new- I said unlocking his phone

Yeah, I just met her- He got out the shower so quick

Oh cute- I said sitting on his towel

Lemme get my towel- Jalen said

No, who is she bc you know I know she's not your fucking cousin- I said punching him in his chest

Come on baby stop playin- Jalen said

Don't fucking baby me, who is she? And why is she texting you asking where the fuck you're at- I asked

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