Ripping the wrapper.

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Chapter one

“Samantha! Wake up, you’re going to be late!” I am woken up by my mother’s shouting. I rub my eyes, dazzled by the dim light coming through the window, and I force myself out of bed and towards the bathroom. Just as I’m about to open the door, I trip over my own feet and almost fall but I am quick enough to grasp the latch and spare me a good blow. Now, firmly standing on my feet, I head to the bathroom and when I reach the door, it is shut.

“Hurry up, Audrey. I don’t wanna be late today” I groan. I know my sister very well as to know that if I don’t hurry her, she will take ages in there.

I reluctantly go downstairs and my mother greets me and offers me breakfast. After a good fifteen minutes, Audrey informs me with a loud shout that the bathroom is finally empty. I make my way upstairs and take a swift shower, since I have only ten minutes before Hayley comes to pick me up. I dress myself in a pair of blue jeans and a blue tank top, I grab my bag and I’m ready to leave a few seconds before the horn of Hayley’s car sounds.

“Heyyyy” she squeaks. “How’re you doing?”

“Fine” I say, not really meaning it.

“Well, inform that to your face then” she teases me and I glare at her. I open my mouth, primed to make a witty comeback, but it’s immediately shut down when the car rushes forward due to Hayley’s foot on the accelerator.

“Wowww, slow down, roadrunner. We don’t want to end up in a hospital.”

“Relax, Sam, I know exactly what I’m—” she presses her foot to the brake and we’re both catapulted forward. I’m so glad we both have out seatbelts fastened.

“I’m sure you do.” I roll my eyes at her.


We finally make it to our first class after picking Michelle up, who is as surprised by Hayley getting her driving license in her conditions as me.

After my English class, which, I must say, bored me to death, I join both of my best friends near our lockers. They are a bit excited about the first day at school but, honestly, I can’t wait to get out of this building. I hate to admit it, but I am usually the sulky one. I don’t know why, I just am.

The bell rings and we head to our chemistry class. Our new professor is so stupid I want to spit on his face. Yeah, I’m so girly; you can stand up and clap if you want.

I’ve come to realize we also have two new classmates. One of them is quite tall, with well defined muscles and bright white teeth. I try not to stare at him because I know I’ll be caught off guard. He is gorgeous. The other boy is hot too. He’s bit taller than the first one and has sparkling green eyes.

A small piece of paper rolls onto my desk.

“Stop staring, Sam, you’re drooling” it reads.

I glance back and see Michelle’s huge grin straightly directed to me. I roll my eyes at her and she sticks her tongue out at me and gestures that we need to talk later. I nod indifferently and turn my attention back to my notebook.

When the torturous class is finally over, I gather my stuff and impatiently wait outside the classroom for Michelle and Hayley to come out.

“Oh-my-god” Michelle comes out followed by Hayley’s huge sunglasses. “Did you both see that?”

“Yea” I answer, trying not to show so much interest.

“For god’s sake, that boy is stunning!” she squeals.

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