Its a deal

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The police and ambulances got on scene as fast as they could. They put dean and autumn in one truck and sam and john in another. John woke up half way there and he became violent so they gave him some anesthetic to knock him out. Dean and autumn got there first and then they were off to get CAT scans and than x rays. Sam only has a dislocated shoulder and he got  some bruises. John just has his 2 bulet wounds  and some scratches nothing to serious. Than autumn and dean on the other hand well autumn was still knocked out with a fractured wrist, a cut along her forehead that needs stitches, some cracked ribs, and bruises all along her right side. And dean was in a coma, he has a dislocated shoulder, some cracked ribs, and a cut just under his eye. At first they had put all of them in separate rooms but when sam found that out he asked for autumn to be put in a room with either dean or john. So she was put in a room with john since john was awake. John was watching her and waiting for her to wake up than the doctor walked in
"How long to till she's awake doc.?" Asked john.
"Well she could wake up in a matter of minutes to a matter of a day or 2."
"Ok thanks doc."
Than sam walks in to check on autumn and john says "hey um where's the colt."
"Wow you care more about that colt than your own son and daughter laying here dieing."
"No it's just we were hunting that demon and it could be hunting us to. I need you to go get the cult and some other stuff to protect us from the demon. "
"Ok whatever be back in an hour ."
Than sam leaves to go get the stuff and autumn wakes up and she's terrified because her brothers aren't there to comfort her right away and she doesn't know where she is. Than she sees her father not knowing if he was possessed and than john says "look I know your probably scared but don't move I have to call the doc to check on ya okay sweetheart?"
"Are you my dad or that ass hole demon?"
"Your dad I promise."
He was always different with her than with the boys. With sam he was the demanding father, with dean he is the general type person you know like the big boss, but with autumn he was some what of a caring father you know the daddy's little girl type situation. The doctor walked in and said "hey looks like someone's finally awake."
"Where are my brothers?"
"One of them is in the next room over and the other said he'd be back."
"Okay." Said autumn as she leaned forward "can I see my brother in the next room over?"
So the doctor helps her into a wheelchair and wheels her to deans room. Than she asks "what's wrong with him?"
"He is in a coma, he has a dislocated shoulder, some cracked ribs, and a cut just under his eye."
"Okay do you know when he will wake up?"
"Sorry only time will tell."said the doc as he walks out of the room. So autumn holds deans hand and talks to him. And then she gets a felling that someone is watching her so she turns around and no ones there. Than she can hear sam yelling at john in the other room "what are you wanting to some stupid Manucho show down!"
"Calm down."
"Stop it STOP IT YOU TWO!" Yelled autumn as she got frustrated. Than a glass of water fell on the floor and shattered.
"Did you do that?" Asked sam
"No." Said autumn nervously.
So than sam and autumn walk over to deans room and they sit there and watch him. Autumn than walks over to the bathroom and closed the door she stars into the mirror than she walks back out and sat down.
"Hey when can I put my normal clothes back on?"
"You can now I will just go out to the car and get some." Said sam as he leaves the room than autumn says
"Dean are you there?" Than she became cold and she said "I knew it." Than she walks over to her dads room and says "deans spirit it's ... it's here I know it."
"What do you mean?"
"He's out of his body."
"How do you know?"
"I... I can feel it." Than sam walks in and gives an outfit her a red flannel, black pants, and her boots he also gives her a knife. Than she gets dressed and stares into the mirror on the wall stares at her stitches, her bruises, her fractured wrist, and then at her knife. She wondered why she was in this life why was she so special to have to be hunted by a yellow eyed demon. Then she walks out and sees sam waiting for her "hey how about you go sit with dean."
"Ok" so she goes and sit with dean holding his hand worried out of her mind. Than dean wakes up "doctor!" Yells autumn.
Than the doctor comes in removes the tube in his throat. Then Autumn asks sam where john was and he said he don't know. Than sam went to go get him and autumn some coffee and on his way back he saw his dad on the ground. He ran in screaming for a doctor to help. Than autumn put dean in a wheelchair and wheeled him to go see their dad not knowing what had happened.

Autumn Shae Winchester, A Hunters Sister.Where stories live. Discover now