Chapter 3

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Fuck. It burns, I forgot to close the drapes. "Wait when did I fall asleep?" I ask myself looking at the Chinese still in my hand and a random movie on my tv, ugh I reach for the remote to turn off that ungodly sound.

"That wasn't the TV so open the door!" I hear Taehyung's voice yell while banging on my door, I groan pulling the covers over my head trying to make him disappear, the Chinese food fall onto the floor making me groan even more. "Come on, Yoongi. Open up!" I hear another voice call, "Jungkook?" I whisper, "You're right so open up!"

Fuck how did he hear me? I sigh pulling my blankets with me towards the door. I unlock everything but the chain, "Yes?" I question opening the door as far as the chain will let me, "Really? Let us in and take the blanket off you look like a nun." I look down at my blanket. "I am sorry the father is not in today I can not let you in." Tae just stared blankly at me, as I bow my head closing the door. "Open the door." I open it again as far as the chain lets me, "Open it all the way I have food."

"Finneeee." I groan slamming the door and opening it a little so Taehyung could get through but closed it before Jungkook could. "Put the food on the table and let yourself out, your wife is waiting for you. I will let the father Louis Williams Suga Adams the third know you gave an offering. He will be very thankful." I tell him trying to see was kind of food it is, He doesn't move. "Yoongi go open the door or I will open it myself." Taehyung says trying to hide the food, "Trying to take back the offering!" I screech, "Good day sir, good day!" I try pushing Taehyung towards the door but he's too strong for me.

"Stop, you can have the food, but go let Kookie in. I will set up."

I frown walking toward the door looking through the peephole before opening, "Fuck!" I screech siding down the door. "What?" Taehyung says walking over to me, "Look in the peephole." I cover myself even more, He frowns down at me and looks. "What the fuck is he doing here?"

"Your demon Kookie brought him, Be gone!" I kick up at him, "And take the demon with you."

"Stop being dramatic he's gone." Tae says pulling the door open and scooting me along with it, "Kookie what was he doing here?" Tae ask for me while I drown in my blanket. "I don't know, he said he was visiting someone in the building."

Kookie looks down at me, "Oh get up you are going to have to get over it and be an adult." I frown. "Never."

"Honestly I don't see what he seen in you." Jungkook rolled his eyes. "GET OUT!" I yell, standing up throwing the blanket aside. "I'd love to leave, come on Tae." Jungkook pulls on Taehyung's sleeve. "You go wait down stairs I'll be down in a minute." Taehyung kisses Jungkook's temple. With that there was a slam of the door and Taehyung pulling me to the sofa.

"I don't want to talk just leave." I roll up on the end of the sofa. "Okay man, please just talk. It might help, I know what-" I interrupt before he says his demon name. "Don't even say that name."

"Kookie is right, you are going to have to get over it sometime." He shakes his head. "You know what, you guys are so right. I'll remember that when Jungkook cheats or leaves your ass." I stand back up going in the direction of my room. "What makes you think I'd come to you crying over it?" Taehyung followed behind.

"Just get out, I would keep and eye on that so called sweet Kookie of yours." I turn grabbing him pulling him to the door. "You're just jealous that we're in a happy relationship, that works!" Taehyung snapped back. "If that's what you want to call it."

"Whatever, I tried to be nice to you and help the best I could, but I see you don't want it." He opens the door. "Hi Yoongi hyung." A small shy voice says, making Taehyung stop dead in his tracks.

"Uh...." Taehyung trails to me. We both stare blankly, I sigh walking toward him and Tae. "Bad time kid." I look down at him, mouth almost dropping at how cutely dressed he is. "Oh okay, I just baked cookies and thought I'd share." He blushed handing me a box. "Thank you Jiminie, you're so sweet." I smile.

"Hey haven't seen you smile like that in a long time." Taehyung smiles glancing to Jimin then me. "Shut up, I'm still pissed at you." I elbow him lightly. "Yeah yeah, I can forgive you if I get to know who this cutie is." Taehyung looks back down at Jimin. "You forgive me, what about me forgiving you?"

"I'm Jimin, nice to meet you." Jimin shyly puts out his hand. "Taehyung, and it's nice to meet you." He completely ignored me.

"I'll see you later Yoongi hyung." Jimin smiles going to walk off. "Wait kid I was leaving I'm sure Yoongi could use some company." Taehyung smiles, looping his finger around his baby blue overalls, pulling him back. "Really?" Jimin smiles, making things brighter. "Yeah, you want to chill a little while. I'll share the cookies." I find myself a smile. "Of course hyung." Jimin skips through the door way.

"Bye Yoongi have fun, but not to much fun." Taehyung smirks. "Yeah yeah, bye." I slam the door, turning around to face the bright ball of happiness.

"So what we gonna do? Watch a movie? Play games?" He jumps around. "How about we eat first." I chuckled.

"Yummy foods." He follows behind me to the kitchen. "Here you go, Tae brought it. I don't know what it is but go ahead and eat it, now you can go sit on the couch." I hand him his food. "But, I'm not allowed to eat in the living room." He looks down and back up at me.

"Well in my house you can, now go sit." I grab my stuff following. "Looks like someone already made a mess with food." He giggles. "oh yeah..." I sigh, going to get the broom. He was on his hands and knees, trying to get it in a pile the best he could. I couldn't help to notice how cute he look but then I saw his nice ass in those overalls again, licking my lips I slowly walk behind him picking him up. "Yoongi hyung." He giggles trying to wiggle away.

"I said I would get it." I smile, placing him on the sofa. "I wanted to help..." He blushed looking away. "You'll be able to help me out later baby boy, okay?" I clean up the floor. "O-okay." He stuttered, trying to get comfy on the couch. "You okay?" I ask, causing him to jump. "I-i'm okay, Yoongi?" He fiddled his thumbs. "Hmm." I hum looking down over at him. "Can you call me baby boy more often?" He whispers softly.

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