Chapter 1

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Marco sighed a deep breath, Star had taken him to a new dimension. He had not been prepared for it, the dimension was creepy filled with every fear Marco ever had, he did not get any sleep that night. He and Star were walking towards the cafeteria, she was skipping and he was dragging his feet.

"Marco! Look," She grabbed her best friend's face in excitement. "It's Jackie! Let's go say hi." Marco's face flushed at the mention of his crush, Star didn't wait for a response but preceded to drag the boy towards the group of skaters.

"Star, wait!" He pleaded, he didn't look presentable at all. His bags were deep and his hair was a mess, he would die of embarrassment if Jackie saw him like this.

"Jackie!" She shouted, Jackie turned with a cool smile directed at the cheerful blonde. She walked towards the two with her skateboard under her arm.

"What's up you two?" She asked, Marco looked everywhere except Jackie. On a glance towards his right, he noticed a waving ponytail of red.

"Nothing much," Star answered. "We were wondering what you guys were doing." Marco kept his eyes on the ponytail noticing the dark blue bow holding it together, Jackie followed his gaze before smirking.

"We were just reconnecting with an old friend," She turned her head to the red hair, Marco could hear the voice of the girl as she talked with Oscar and it sounded familiar. "Rose, you gonna say hi to Marco?" Marco's eyes widened, Rose turned her electric blue eyes meeting Marco's.

"Rosie?" He asked, the girl smiled at him before walking up to him.

"Hey, Marco." She had a skateboard behind her back, Marco couldn't help but smile and hug the girl.

"I haven seen you in so long!" He kept his tight grip around her, she patted his back in a kind manner that seemed to tell him that she couldn't breathe.

"Good to see you too, Marco," He let go of her staring at her with sparkling brown eyes, Rose smiled before meeting Star's gaze. "Hi, I'm Rose Munch." She introduced herself, Star smiled gleefully at her.

"I'm Star Butterfly, princess of Mewni." Rose raised an eyebrow before smiling in return.

"Princess?" She asked, Star nodded pulling her wand out of her bag. In a swift spin and a blast of magic, Rose's skateboard became decorated with roses.

"Yup, from another dimension." Rose smiled with an impressed look, though she could've of gone without the bush of roses on her board, she was still amazed.

"That's so cool!" She exclaimed, Marco put a hand on Rose's shoulder seeming to call her attention. Jackie had snuck off along with her friends to leave the three to talk to one another.

"Why are you back in Echo Creek?" He asked, Rose looked away for a short minute. "Thought you were gonna be an amazing gymnast?" The redhead rubbed the back of her head, she glanced at Star and then at Marco.

"Well, something happened before the big competition," She began, Marco's face turned into one of concern. "Let's just say, things came up." She laughed nervously not wanting to talk about the subject anymore.

"Oh, it's okay," Marco retracted the subject, he tried to think of one quickly in his mind. "Well, since you're back, maybe, you'd like to go on adventures with me and Star?" Rose's eyes sparkled and she nodded gleefully.

"That would be amazing!" Star jumped up with a squeal, her arms wrapped around Marco and Rose. "This is going to be great, Red!" Rose's eyebrow raised.

"Red?" Sure, she had a lot of nicknames but she's never been called a straight up color. Star nodded letting go briefly.

"Yeah, if Marco can have a nickname for you then I want one too," Rose glanced at Marco with a small smile and a shrug. "What adventure should we go on together!" Star hugged them once again.

"I have one," Rose responded, she pulled a flyer out of her pocket. "Jackie and I entered this skate boarding competition, it'd be great if you went to it." Star and Marco looked at each other before smiling.

"Of course!"

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