IMAGINE: Doug thinking you're dead

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     You dive to the ground and scramble behind a tree as gunfire starts coming out of a house. "Everybody get down!" Doug Carlin, a special agent from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, commands. All of the cops and agents take cover in the shadow of night. Doug crawls to the tree next to yours.

     "What's going on? I thought this house was empty." You hiss, staring at your boyfriend.

     "That's what we were told." Doug answers tightly.

     "Apparently that information was wrong." You mumble. Doug sighs and shakes his head. "What are we going to do?" You ask.

      "Get inside the house while trying not to get killed." He replies.

      "Easier said than done." You snort, rolling your eyes. You immediately somber. "Uh, Doug?" You say.

     "Yes, Y/N?" He asks.

     Your eyebrows furrow. "What if it's true? What if they do have explosives in that house? Couldn't they blow them anytime they want?" You question.

     Doug frowns and nods slowly. "That's why we need to be very cautious. You, me, and Jones will sneak around the back of the house while everyone else tries to draw the attackers' fire. Once we're in the house, I'll have everyone flank the house, get the attackers, and find the explosives" He explains.

     You nod and grab your gun. "Sounds like a plan." You breathe.

     Doug, Jones, and you stealthily sneak through the back woods. Gun fire continues to sound. Doug points to the backdoor. The three of you crouch down and swiftly move to the backdoor without anyone shooting at you. You try the door and find it unlocked. You blink in surprise at your good fortune.

       "Ready?" You whisper to Doug and Jones. They both nod at you and hold their guns up. You silently open the door and step inside the house. All of the attackers are in the upstairs bedrooms. You point upstairs and Doug nods.

     "We're in the house. Repeat, we are in the house." He whispers into his walkie-talkie.

     "I read you, Carlin. We're on our way. Over." A voice softly replies. Doug, Jones, and you wait until the reinforcements come. When they arrive, all of you move up the stairs.

      "Put your weapons down and step away from the windows!" Doug screams at them. The five attackers whirl around in surprise.

      "Put your guns down now!" You scream at them, your finger on the trigger. They slowly bend to put their weapons on the ground. Just when it looks like all five of them are going to comply, one whips up his gun and shoots you three times in the stomach. You yelp in pain and then stumble backwards. Doug catches you as cops and agents run into the room, tackling the attackers.

     "Doug." You gasp, your eyes wide, as you clutch your bleeding stomach. Doug's eyes, filled with worry and panic, search over your face.

      "Doug, take her outside and call an ambulance." One cop directs Doug, who's blinking in shock. "Go!" The cop commands. Doug picks you up into his arms and bounds down the stairs, while calling in for an ambulance.


     Doug watches in horror as the EMTs try to frantically stop your bleeding in the ambulance. You're murmuring incoherently and thrashing, beads of sweat on your forehead. One EMT holds you down as Doug watches on, numb.

     "We're losing her." The one EMT whispers.

     "No. No, no, no. You can't!" Doug exclaims desperately, going pale.

Denzel Washington ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now