IMAGINE: Doug being with you when you win an Oscar

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| IMAGINE for @80s90steen |

      "And the Oscar for Best Actress goes to..." The announcer starts to say.

     You casually lounge in your seat, knowing it won't be you. "You know, I'm glad it won't be me, Denzel." You whisper to your husband.

     He looks at you in confusion. "Why?" He asks.

     You laugh softly. "Because I've already won nine Oscars. Ten would just be overkill." You reply.

     "Y/N Washington!" The announcer exclaims finally. You start clapping and looking around for the woman that won, not yet realizing it's you. Denzel grips your arm, shaking it as everyone around you turns in their seats to grin at you and congratulate you.

     "Y/N, that's you! You won!" Denzel exclaims.

      You sit up straight, your eyes wide. "Wait, what?" You gasp.

      "You won your tenth Oscar!" Your husband says excitedly. You start laughing in surprise, your hand on your chest. You stand up and walk on stage, in total shock.

     "From the look on your face, Y/N, we can all see you're pretty shocked." The announced states.

      "Yeah, that's putting it lightly." You laugh as he hands you the Oscar.

      "This is your tenth Oscar you've won during your whole acting career. How does it feel?" He asks.

     "It's so crazy. I didn't expect to win an Oscar tonight. I figured everyone would be sick of me winning them." You say, grinning. "But I'm truly, truly grateful for everyone here—for everyone who has supported me though my whole career, especially my wonderful husband, Denzel." You tell the crowd. Another round of applause and cheers go up. You smile at your husband who's smiling proudly at you, his hands clasped at his lips. You clutch the Oscar to your chest.

      "Denzel, I love you so much. I don't know where I'd be as a person and as an actress without you. You're my everything." You say, your voice cracking.

      One big, "Aww." sounds, making you chuckle.

      "Thank you, thank you, thank you." You say to everyone, holding up your Oscar."
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2017 ⏰

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