Chapter one

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Chapter one:
A - Acquaintance

There are many in this world who claim that you do not choose the people you love. I think they're wrong - completely wrong. I believe that you always have a choice - you can decide who you want in your life and who you do not. For instance, I chose to have Ashley by my side regardless of what she put me through all of 5th grade. I easily could have just ignored when she tried to be my friend in high school, but I did not, now we're best friends; like two peas in a pod - because I chose to be her friend.
No one gets to say that they didn't have any other choice because in reality, they do. That's the whole point - it's just that sometimes, we choose the wrong things.

"And speaking of always choosing the wrong thing," I whispered to myself as Ashley walked back in my room, carrying what seems to be a full handle of Vodka. I shook my head and laughed while my best friend drags herself quietly into my dorm room, careful to not wake my suitemate. It was a Friday night and the only reason why we stayed in was because her boyfriend, who isn't her boyfriend, kind of broke up with her. It's a little complicated; much like every relationship she has tried to keep since we stared college.
College is everything I imagined it not to be. My high school teachers always said that it was going to be the hardest years of my life; which isn't exactly a lie, but it's easy enough to compare it to my high school experience. Plus, I literally get to party every weekend. It's a good stress reliever.

"You know we could just go to that party, we don't have to stay here because of Evan," I argued, a tang of angriness on my whisper. Why would we stay here if we could party her sadness away? "Wouldn't you like to make him know what he's missing?"
A cold wind found its way through the thin cloth of curtain that enclosed my room, making me shiver as I gracefully took the bottle from the ground to the tip of my mouth. My dorm was probably my favorite part on campus; being miles away from home, it was the only familiar thing I really have besides the emotional girl weeping before me. "You don't understand! He hurt me. He's a jackass, and I just don't want to see him right now."
I nodded my head, understanding what she was going through. Although I haven't gone through it myself, many of my friends have. After seeing them heartbroken, I vowed to never let myself be manipulated by words and actions of men because if love was opening yourself to somebody then getting it slammed shut in your face, then I don't want it.

Ashley and I continued to consume alcohol, forgetting the hangovers we've ever had because of it. We were having a good time and these were one of the moments I would remember forever. Hours passed by, we've sung our hearts out and have received many noise complaints from my suitemate, which lucky enough, didn't get to our RA. Our body started to tire as we fell into a deep slumber.

I was woken up by the harsh heat of the sun radiating in my room. I started blinking rapidly, trying to vanish the sleep from my eyes. First thing I felt was the sharp pain coming from my back, realization hit me like a truck that I was too drunk last night to climb up on my bed and I ended up passing out on the floor. Surprisingly, Ash was already gone. I wonder how she was feeling.
I glanced at the time on my phone, smiling slightly as it dawned on me that I could go back to sleep as I don't work for another five hours. Working a late shift was my preference instead of early in the morning, considering that I'm not a morning person whatsoever. If I have to hear the word capuccino more than once in the morning, I might pour one or two on myself.
Unfortunately for me, being it 11 in the morning, my suitemate was awake doing God knows what in her room, loudly; it could be revenge for last night, but it didn't bother me as much. She was either having sex in there or carrying something incredibly heavy and throwing it on the floor again and again.
Realizing that there was no way in hell that I was going to end up falling back asleep, I shot up and climbed out of bed. The carpet felt warm and soft on my toes as I wiggled myself into the bathroom. It was my luck that my university had en suites; it was a small university, like a high school only you can take naps in between. I willed myself to splash cold water on my face, waking me up even more making me miss the comfortable warmth of my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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