The Perks Of Being Zayn Malik

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Chapter One : Monday Blues

Dear Diary :

Well it's that time of week again . Yup the most dreaded and hated day of all . Monday . 😞 Oh how I hate the beginning of the week which start like any other day . Getting ready in my nerdy clothes with those big, black round glasses . And of course the usual routine of walking to the bus stop , after I groomed myself of course 😊 and sitting in the back with all my friends . But the worst part is seeing Jade Thirlwall with her usual crowd in the front of the bus . Don't worry I don't like her . That's Louis ' dream girl . I hate her . We used to be friends back in grade school until she moved away and turned into an evil conniving bitch . I had to turn to the outcasts . But I love them don't worry .I'm not complaining . She back stabbed me and now bullies me with her crowd . Kind of sad if you think about it . Well ttyl .


" Zayn what are you writing "? Perrie asks me leaning forward to take a better look . I slam my diary shut and blush . "Babe if you haven't seen Zayn writes in a journal like the cunt he is ". Niall says like a matter of fact tone and pulls Perrie on too his lap . " N-No I don't it's my uhh English homework ". I stutter out . Niall and Louis start laughing really loud getting shot confused looks . " Shut up theres's people looking "! Jesy whisper yells at us . " Love calm down who cares they don't even know us ". Liam Calmly tells her . She blushes and rests her head on his shoulder while he rubs her back . I roll my eyes and look out the window . Too much affection . The bus jerks forward as we reach another stop . I look around and see that the only seat available is next to me. Please don't be a girl . Please don't be a girl . I silently pray .

The bus doors creek open and four more people walk in . Oh great . All guys thank God . " Make room fatasses " A feminine voice breaks through the crowd . I spoke too soon . The guys chuckle as she pushes them out of the way . I feel my breath hitch as I stare at her . Clarissa Bleu . One of the prettiest girls in our entire school . But don't worry it's not like I like her or anything . 😅 . " Claire "! Jade and her four minions chant together. I roll my eyes and resist the urge to scoff . " Hey boo "! Clarissa yells back . Jade and everyone else giggle . A smile tugs at my lips . Wait I can't sit next to her !

I start panicking and look behind me . " Psst Perrie switch seats with me "! I whisper yell at her . " No ". She quickly says back . " Please"? I beg . " Why "? she curiously yells back at me . " Be-" " There's an empty seat in the back someone go sit there ". Mr . Reed our bus driver says . " What you can sent her to the back that's where the losers are "! Brett's (jock ) annoying voice says echoing towards the back of the bus . Tears prick at the corner of my eyes and I wipe them with the sleeve of my sweater . " She'll turn into a geek like Zaynie boy over there ". People laugh . Ouch another one . "Brett your just jealous that he doesn't have to sleep with Coach Bryan to stay on the team ". Oohs and laughs erupt from inside the bus . Brett turns beet red and turns around . Perrie gets up from her seat and switches places . thank god . That was close .

" It's okay mate don't pay attention to them ." Niall whispers to me . I nod and plug in my earphones and continue playing flappy birds on my phone .

Perrie p o v -

I sit near the window seat as Clarissa slides in next to me . I roll my eyes at her as she pulls something black from her backpack. Of course so predictable it has to be a ......... P s p vista ? " Let me guess you thought it was a make up bag right "? Clarissa says as she runs her hands through her hair . She stares at me with those brown eyes and pops the gum in her mouth . " Uh yeah I thought -" " You thought that because I talk to Jade and everyone else who cake on the make up I did the same huh "? she asks again ." Yeah honestly yes " . I sheepishly reply and feel myself go pink in the cheeks . She chuckles and takes a stick gum and offers me one . "
Uh sure ". I awkwardly reply . She giggles and continues playing. I look behind me and see Niall furrowing his eyebrows at us . I shrug my shoulders and face forward . " Wanna play "? " Uh sure although I have no ideas how " I say as I take the controller from her . " It's all good btw I love your top ".

I look at my Rolling Stones shirt . " Thanks ". " You don't talk much huh "? she asks while stocking another piece of gum in her mouth . I gasp . " I do it's just ..." " Don't worry I won't bite your head off . hey your dating Niall right "? She asks . I reluctantly nod . " Why "? I ask her and don't take my eyes off the screen . " Quite the awkward guy if you ask me . But mostly because he smells funny ". I giggle and Niall dramatically gasps behind us making us snap our heads behind . " I do not . Your always staring at me "!! he shouts . " Nu uh I'm staring at your sandwiches they look delicious "!! she yells back making me laugh hard .

" Ah your the one that switches my sand which with yours huh "?!!! " What why I never "? Clarissa innocently replies in a Tennessee accent . Oh boy this is going to be a long bus ride . I tell myself and chuckle at their bickering . I look at Zayn who looks uncomfortable and squirms in his seat . Huh I wonder what's up with him . " You suck "! Niall yells crossing his arms over his chest . ooh those biceps are one too kill . Oh I can imagine those wrapping around me . my oasis let me tell you .

" Ew Perrie your disgusting ". Clarissa says . I snap out of my thoughts and stare at her . " What "? " You were totally staring at his chest gross ". she says making a disgusted face . " Uh no I wasn't ". I quietly reply while staring at the floor . " Don't worry babe I always stare at yours too ". Niall says while winking at me . I laugh . " God why did I have to sit next to the hormonal teens "? Clarissa mumbles underneath her breath . " What are you gay "? Louis asks her . " No but this is too much too handle in the morning ". Clarissa responds . " We all laugh as we pull into the school parking lot .

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