(Egypt) Start in magic

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   Hello I am Geo and probably me and Yuki are in the most impossible battle for you and our world because the world is attacked by the all three gods of chaos: Kronos, Fenris and Appophis. They want to destroy the world and the all gods.
How can me and Yuki protect the world from the three gods when we are two children with no power or magical powers? I will tell you if you promise me if you are have any power you will come to us and we will teach you magic for our and your battle.

                                                            1.First time when we met gods(Geo)

Now you want to know how we got magic powers.
We go with the class at museum and I was attracted by an Greek statue and Yuki comes with me because he is my best friend and yeah all of our colleges disappeared  and we were  was teleported in a white palace with a lot of strange creatures like dryads and satires. We walk along the monsters directly to the palace we opened gates and twelve thrones with twelve giants. And the king of gods. (we think that because him have an amazing throne of clouds) say:

-Hello, Geo Gasai and Yukiteru Azano we are the Greek gods and I am Zeus and we are so glad because you are there. You will save your and our world by Kronos, Fenris and Appophis because they want to destroy the all worlds. The eclipse is approaching faster and that give them more power.  Yuki take this pen if you remove the lid it will become a celestial bronze sword but this sword can't attach humans only devils and gods and demigods. But you're special and you can be killed by a real sword and a celestial bronze sword.
We are a little scared but Athena said:
-I know is hard to assimilate but is real the pen will come with Yuki in real world. Now you can go back to your world but the Egyptian gods and  Vikings gods want to meet you.
  And 3 seconds later we are in a room with a lot of little lights and three gods appeared. One said:
-Hello I am Horus the Revenger and she is my mother Isis the magic god and him is Toth the god of knowledge. Isis and Horus come in front of me and Isis said:
-You will be the best magician by your generation, we will give you an khopesh, a magic book, a rod for attack and a wand for defense and an potion for concentration. And you will be able to be my eye, and Yuki will be able to be Eye of Horus. If you want to get the gifts you will stretch your hand and concentrate to your magic book or sword you will put a code and you can deposited anything in there because is like an closet for anything. Now go to Odin for his gift for ya' .
And Odin give us rooms in Walhalla and immortality because we will become his warriors.

2.I'm an chicken man(Geo)

I am Isis eye and when I sleep I'm become a chicken man and I fly out of my room and meet all time Yuki. Isis say me when I become a chicken men is my ba. Ba is a part of the soul. Soul is made by 5 parts: ba-personality;  ib-hart; Ka-vital force; Ren-secret name; Sheut-shadow ; In Dudat you can travel only in ba form. Why? I don't know.In one night me and Yuki was attacked by three demons and we ran like an chicken (oh yeah we really are chicken)I try to say ,,Ha-wi" it's  means strikes but it didn't work. I try ,,Ha-di"  it's means destroy and this works the demons disappear but I can't move now and we get up. I ask Isis why doesn't work my spells.        -Because you are not prepared to make  spells in ba form.
  -You are too young for that ! Stop to try to make travels to Dudat. I will make for you and Yuki to be invtulnerable for the attraction.    -Drowah Ha-tep.                                         And that was last time when we go in Dudat when I sleep.

                                                                        2.First fight

Now we go in Kyoto and what to see. An legion of 46 demons and Geo say
-Maw, Hi-nehm Se-kebab.and all demons are feeze .Ha-wi and all ice-demons are braked Geo say:
-Shot all demons or hit them.
Five seconds later only ice blocks with sand.
-Fah. And ice disappeared sand go in all directions.
-That was easy!
But Geo is tiered and another legion of demons appeared and I was single. I remove the lid and Mike (is the name of sword) appeared in my hand. Without the help of Geo was hard to destroy all demons but I did it.
khopesh=It is a double-edged sword with Egyptian and head bent;                                     Dudat=magical realm coexisting with our world

  That was first part of ,,Three mythology, three chaos gods, two warriors"

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