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3rd year students

Proud Crimson Charming

Parents: Daring and Cerise Charming
Powerful Qualities: Athletic, Loyal, Heroic
Roommate: Hawk Hood
Secret Heart's Desire: To protect and care everyone in Ever After.
My "Magic" Thanks to my mom I could hear, smell and run like a wolf
Storybook Romance Status: I'm still looking for my mate.
"Oh Curses!" Moment: I hate it when I'm become angry, my wolf side starts to come out and I can barely control it and that I'm always sleep late.
Favorite Subject: Grimmnastic, it's always great to play some sports and just run freely.
Least Favorite Subject: Dragon slaying. I don't ever want to think about slaying one.
Best Friends Forever After: Ashton Huntsman, Bud Croakington, and my cousins Bold and Knight.

Miracle Charming

Parents: Dexter and Raven Charming
Powerful Qualities: Magical, Intelligent, Leadership
Roommate:Maiden Swan
Secret Heart's Desire: To rule over Ever After.
My "Magic" Touch: obviously I can do magic.
Storybook Romance Status: I have two crushes, which are Romance Valentine and Dove White.
"Oh Curses!" Moment: When my magic backfires on me, which is rare, but it still annoying.
Favorite Subject: Magicology, learning new spells is hexecellent.
Least Favorite Subject: Princessology. I'm just learning on what I had already know
Best Friends Forever After: Katherine Hearts, she's my partner in crime and Root Thorne he helps me do the spell.

Hawk Hood

Parents: Sparrow and Poppy Hood
Powerful Qualities: Sharp eye, Stylish,
Roommate: Proud Charming
Secret Heart's Desire: To rock the whole school with my music and style
My "Magic" Touch: Because of my mom, my hair is very valuable.
Storybook Romance Status: Maiden Swan has stolen my heart like a bandit.
"Oh Curses!" Moment: My hair randomly grows at some point, making it hard to maintain my hairstyles.
Favorite Subject: Muse-ic, power to the music
Least Favorite Subject: Cownculus, I'm failing in that class
Best Friends Forever After: Gruff Badwolf and Ruby Charming they're awesome to hang with.

Katherine Hearts

Parents: Kitty and Lizzie Hearts
Powerful Qualities: Sneaky, Careful,
Roommate: Madison Hare
Secret Heart's Desire: To be the best prankster in the school
My "Magic" Touch: I can teleport to any place I want
Storybook Romance Status: I kinda have a crush on Proud Charming
"Oh Curses!" Moment: When people won't listen to me. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS
Favorite Subject: Grimmnastic, I'm the leader of the croquet team
Least Favorite Subject: Chemythstry, It's so boring.
Best Friends Forever After: Miracle Charming, She's the best on making the best pranks.

Alison Wonderland

Parents: Alistair Wonderland
Powerful Qualities: Adventurous, Quick thinker, Outgoing
Roommate: ???
Secret Heart's Desire: To travel Wonderland and the whole world
My "Magic" Touch: I know where is North, south, east and west without using a compass
Storybook Romance Status: The only love I need is the love of traveling, okay I probably have a crush of Silver Thorne.
"Oh Curses!" Moment: I kinda lose track on where I might be going, but I still get there, sometimes
Favorite Subject: Geografairy, knowing the world first is the first step on travelling
Least Favorite Subject: Mythology, it's kinda weird to understand. And I'm from Wonderland
Best Friends Forever After : Silver Thorne and the rest of Wonderlandians.

Romance Valentine

Parents: Kieren and C.A Valentine
Powerful Qualities: Loving, Advice giver, Handsome
Roommate: Bold Redford
Secret Heart's Desire: To Probably help everyone with there problems
My "Magic" Touch: I can swoon anyone I want.
Storybook Romance Status: I may have said that I can swoon anyone but I can't seem to swoon Miracle Charming.
"Oh Curses!" Moment: When people keep telling me that my advice is wrong. If you don't like it then don't do it . You as******
Favorite Subject: Grimmnastic, Archery is a great game to play.
Least Favorite Subject: Cooking, everytime when people eat the things I make they start to fall in love with the first person they see. Which will last for 5 hours
Best Friends Forever After: Ashton Huntsman he's a great archer buddy, but he still need a bit more training.

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