First day

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Today is the that the day were the Charming's Children go to school at ever after high. It was the first time that Precious and Ruby will be attending the school. They might have seen the school a couple of times because of their big brother Proud who went their when he was was a freshman and sophomore. Right now his a junior

Precious was combing her brownish blond hair making sure it was perfect like she wanted, while her twin sister waits for her to finish combing.

"Are you done yet?" Ruby getting impatient as she sat at her sister bed.

"Just one more, then done." Precious said. As she stood up and got her bags. "Okay I'm set."

"Finally let's go." Ruby said jumping out of the bed and had run out the door, and leaving a gust of wind.

"Ruby! You ruin my perfect hair." Precious scream in frustration.

Ruby had run down to the dinning hall and started to eat her pancakes and bacon.

"Ruby, is your siblings ready yet?" Her father ask. Drinking his cup of coffee. "They aren't down here yet"

"Precious was done but I probably had ruin her hair. Totally worth it." Ruby said taking another bite from her pancakes. "Proud is probably still asleep."

At the same time Proud came running inside the dinning hall. His jacket was still half in and half out. His hand was holding his crown. He put his jacket on completely and strated to eat his own stack of pancakes and bacon.

"Proud why were you up so late again?" Cerise said. Knowing her son that he might gone out and have another of his midnight run or just playing on his phone.

"Another run in the forest." Proud said, but was hard to hear because of the pancake in his mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, brother. I could have come here sooner if it wasn't for my twin sister. Which I'm surely where not." Precious said her hair was back to it's perfect wavy state. Her crown was place on top of her head in the perfect position. She sat at her part of the table and started to eat her own plate.

"Precious, you two are clearly sisters and your father had video proof. Do you wanna watch it again." Cerise said.

"No no no. I'm good I don't want my appetite to be ruin because of that." Precious said.

A couple of minutes later the three children and their parents were now outside their castle. Placing the remaining bag inside the car. Some of their stuff had already been delivered to their assign dorm room.

"Would you like me to deliver them to their school your highness?" The driver ask.

"No, we would like bring are children to school." Daring said.

"As you wish, your Majesty." The driver said before giving Daring the keys to the car.

"Ready to go to school kids." Daring said getting inside the car with his wife.

"Yup." All three said in unison.

"Okay, let's go." Daring said turning the engine on.


When they arrive at school, they were greeted by a gaint banner with the sign saying. "Welcome back students!" It was colored with a variety of colors but mostly red, voilet and gold.

"Let's take a family photo." Daring said as he took out the camera. "You there." He said pointing to a random person. "Take a picture of me and my beautiful family."

"Very funny, Daring." The person said.

"Raven." Maddie said jumping up and down with her entire family. "Oh how fairy miss you, me BFFA." Hugging her friend.

"Hi there Proud, Precious and Passion." Madison Hare said her curly mix mint and shady blond hair bouncing up and down as she was.

"Mads, don't call me Passion. Ruby is so much better." Ruby corrected the older girl but Ruby was taller than her.

"But wouldn't it be better if you all started with a P." Madison said.

"No!" Ruby shouted.

"Dex, could you pls take a picture of me and my family." Daring said.

"Sure." Dexter said

"Great." Throwing him the camera. Which was almost gonna hit the ground but luckily Dexter caught it just in time. Daring pose him beside Cerise and his three adorable children.

"Say, Charming." Dexter said before hitting the button.

"Hey there, sis" Ramona said.

"Hey Ramona where's your son and wife."

"Rosy, went to the lifairy to put her things and as for my son his.. somewhere around."

As Ramona said that a dark shadow had blocked Cerise sunlight.

"Gruff, if you dare try to scared me. Make sure I don't see your shadow." Cerise said to her nephew.

"Sorry, aunt Cerise." Gruff apologizing to his aunt. "Wolf mom ask me to."

"It seems like almost the whole family is here." Darling said with her sons behind her.

Gruff started to have faint pink blush in his face when he saw Bold.

"Hey wassup extended family?" Sparrow said rocking his guitar, on top of his car rooftop with a bunch of speakers strap on it. Inside you could see Poppy driving the car with her son sitting in the passenger seat. As Poppy stop the car infront of the castle her husband jump down. The car still rocking out with his guitar. "Since all of our children are here, how about they have a group picture together, it would be a hexecellent photo."

"For the first time that wasn't a bad idea, Sparrow." Daring

"I know."

The children heard what the two adults was talking and all of them post for the camera.

Dexter was still holding the camera so he was one who will take the picture. "Okay say Charming."

"Charming." They said in unison.

And that was the start of a new school year at ever after high.


"They grow up so fast." Daring said holding back the tears.

"Just let it all out sweetie just let it all out." Cerise said comforting her husband. "Ramona are you crying?"

"Yes, but not what you think. This are tears of joy." She said. "I'm gonna miss my baby boy." Hugging her wife. "Rosy when did you get here."

"What you think I'm not gonna see my son go inside

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