Chatroom Time!

16 3 2

Keishia has entered the chatroom

Keishia: me has entered the chatroom lolol

Mara has entered the cahtroom

Mara: am playing lolol tonight

Bianca has entered the chatroom

Bianca: dont stay up too late

Mara: stop nagging me bianca

Keishia: lololol

Jannen has entered the chatroom

Jannen: guys too noisy

Keishia: lolololololol
Were's neco???
Anyway were going to visit our old place in the mountain were we all met tandang castro i know we all miss her already right?

Bianca: yey where going there

Keishia: were not there to play or anything were going there to train

Jannen: why!?

Mara: yes why

Bianca: wtf why

Keishia: cause we are not strong yet remember the part were we all met alexander we are all helpless is a goodthing that alexander is not a bad guy or where all dead we need to master this powers to use them agains evil

Mara: oh

Jannen: oh ok mara want to go with me at the Cafe.fe later

Mara: ok

Bianca: count me in too

Keishia: me too lol
Oh sorry guys looks like that i have works to do

Keishia has left the chatroom

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