I raced out of the warehouse, a werewolf fast on my heels. I spun and shot it with a silver bullet. Missed. I shot again. This time my bullet hit its target. The werewolf fell-and did not rise. I panted for breath and brushed my sweaty bangs from my face. I turned to see a man with a confused expression and a backwards tie. He tilted his head slightly as he gazed at me.
"Can I help you?" I said pointing my gun at him, just in case.
"I believe I can help you."
He reached towards my forehead and I found myself not shrinking away. I inherently trusted this strange man.
I blinked once and was outside the door of what looked like a bunker. The man was gone.
"What the hell.." I muttered to myself as I observed my surroundings. I knocked tentatively on the door.
It opened slightly.
A tall man with longish hair peered through the crack at me. He opened it wider and revealed a rifle, pointed straight at me.
"Woah, woah buddy! Cool it with the gun!" I exclaimed taking a few steps back.
"Who are you? How did you find this place." He didn't lower the gun.
"My name is Maddy Lane. A guy just appeared in front of me and poofed me here. I don't know who he was or why he dropped me off here and I don't know who you are or what this place is!"
My speech was cut off suddenly by a splash of cold water in my face.
"I'm not a demon by the way." I said, looking up at him. "But I'm going to assume you're a hunter if the holy water you just threw at me is anything to go by."
He lowered the gun slightly. "So you're a hunter?" I just nod in response, still a little in shock from the whole 'was there, now here' thing.
"And this person who brought you here. He kinda strange, wear a trench coat?" Another nod from me.
"Cas." He says, then opens the door even wider and beckons for me to come in.
I do, and as we are settling around a long table I begin questioning him. "Ok, first of all, Cas? Is that the guy who brought me here? And where is here? Who are you? What am I doing her-"
He cuts me off with a chuckle. "One at a time! Cas is an angel and a good friend of mine. He is the person who brought you to me, as for why I don't have a clue. My name is Sam. Sam Winchester" He gestures around him. "And this place. This is the headquarters for the Men of Letters."
My eyes widen and a gasp escapes me without my permission. "THE Men of Letters?"
"The one and only."
"Hot damn..."
Sam laughs and asks if I'm hungry. As it turns out I am. Hunting a werewolf isn't too easy, but the whirlwind afterwards has got me starved. He heads off to what I assume is the kitchen after pointing me to a bedroom I can stay in and a bathroom I can clean up in. I'm surprised at this, accepting me without questioning my motives. He must really trust this Cas person.
After experimentally flopping on the bed and finding it rather comfy, I venture into the bathroom to take a much needed shower. I turn on the water and turn to the mirror, waiting for the water to heat up. I stare at my exhausted reflection. My pixie cut is unruly and desperately needs a good shampooing as it has become a sweaty mess. There are bags under my eyes, it looks like I haven't slept for days. Which in fact I haven't.
I step into the shower and let the hot water run down my body, just basking in it. As I wash myself, I begin singing quietly. "If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs..." I finish up the song just as I'm getting out.
After drying off and dressing in some fresh clothes from my pack I find my way back to Sam. He's waiting at the table with sandwiches for the two of us.
When I walk in he looks up a smiles.
"Better?" He asks handing me a plate.
"Much." I smile.
As we eat we talk as if we've known each other our whole lives.
"So, I've gotta ask..." Sam begins. I begin to panic. He's going to ask how I became a hunter and that's the one question I just can't answer. I refuse to talk about it.
"Why is your hair purple?"
I breath a sigh of relief and giggle at his question. "It's lavender to be exact and I don't know. When I was a teenager I went through this rebellious stage. Ya know, dyed my hair lavender, pierced my belly button and got a tattoo. Drove my mum crazy." I smile as I think back.
"The only thing my mom actually liked out of all of it was the hair. She loved it, said it fit me. Surprised the hell out of me when she said so." I take a deep breath. "When she died a year later, I decided to keep it lavender for her forever. It's pretty much the one constant thing in my life anyways. Always have this purple hair.."
Sam just looks at me and takes my hand from across the table. "I think it's nice."
I smile softly at him. He's just so sweet-
I jump from my chair. "This has been delicious! I'm exhausted though so I'm gonna hit the hay." I say as I race towards the door.
I pause at the door.
"Oh and Sammy?" I see him stiffen slightly at the nickname. "Thanks."
He relaxes and grins back at me.
I really like it when he grins at me.
A/N hey guys! First supernatural fanfic, set right after Sam kicked Gadreel out. Let me know what y'all think. Should I continue? Or scrap it? Thanks!

FanfictionMaddy is a hunter, been a hunter for about 3 years. For reasons undisclosed. Her hunting days are about to change forever. With one man. Sam Winchester