When we arrived at the hospital where Sam's friend was being kept, we encountered a man already sitting by his bedside. He was slightly shorter than Sam, had very short dark blond hair and peircing green eyes. There was something almost sad about his eyes; there was no life to them.
Sam and the new man conversed shortly while I took in my surrondings, not really paying attention to what they were saying, but I couldn't help but notice the awkwardness. They seemed to be on bad terms. I turned my attention to the man in the bed, the man we were here to help. He was small, scrawny I'd even say, but he didn't look quite fragile. As I observed him I noticed his hands, which were firmly handcuffed to the bed. This confused me; I'd slept most of the way here, and so I didn't get many details. Or any details for that matter. I snapped out of my observations when Sam pulled me out of the room with him.
He filled me in on what was going on quickly and effeciently. The man with the green lifeless eyes was his brother, Dean. The man in the bed was his friend, Garth, who had been hit by a car and was accused of killing some livestock. Sounded like a case to me.
As we get ready to head back into the room, Sam rabs my arm. "Oh and Dean will definitely try to flirt with you. Just warning you now."
When I step back through the door Dean turns and looks me over, seemingly for the first time. "Hello sweetheart, what's your name?" Sam told me this would happen but I didn't think it would happen so soon. I smirk at him, give him a once over, then turn back to Sam. "Can we get lunch? I'm starving."
When Sam and I return from lunch, Dean has lost Garth, who apparently "had to barf" them escaped out the window. We are baffled- well not me as much, I didn't even know the guy, but they seem to trust him so that's good enough for me- that he would run from Sam and Dean, two of his closest friends. They decide something must be up.
As soon as they discover that it involves werewolves, I'm out. I'm tired of trying to reason with them and the have to kill creatures who were once human. My motto is ask questions first shoot later. Much later. Sure it's gotten me into some trouble, but nothing I couldn't handle. Plus, there's always that few that do come around, and that makes it worth it. So they go to solve whatever needs solving and I go get Sam and I a motel room. I don't bother to get Dean one, because with the animosity going on between these too, my guess is they won't be rooming together anytime soon.
I eventually fall asleep, after texting Sam and telling him our room number.
When I wake up both Sam and Dean are in the room. After a quick recap of all that's happened- which, I'm sensing, isn't all that happened- they inform me that they will be hunting together from now on and that I am staying with them.
"Wait why? Sam you have your hunting partner back, you don't need me anymore." I say, rather confused.
"You're staying with us until we figure out what the hell Cas brought you to Sam for." Dean says.
"Alright, whatever, I guess that's fair. But just so y'all are aware, I call a bed. And shotgun."
They just exchange looks and shrug. I smile with satisfaction. "So. Who's getting the food?."
A/N Kind of a filler chapter. I have writers block and also I'm trying to stay true to the show, but I don't remember every single detail from every episode, nor do I have the time to go back and watch the episode to get their exact dialogue. So, I'm going to start writing the episodes like this (hopefully with Maddy involved in the case a bit more) but other than that it'll all be original work, which is easier for me to do. Hopefully with summer in a week I'll be able to update faster/more often.
Also: all my work is unedited. If you spot a mistake, any mistake, please tell me!!

FanfictionMaddy is a hunter, been a hunter for about 3 years. For reasons undisclosed. Her hunting days are about to change forever. With one man. Sam Winchester