Chapter 1

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Solitude was all his mind wanted, rest was all his body screamed. This was the pathetic condition Dr Sujay was in as he exited from the operation theatre. From the last three days, he was working continuously almost, sleep deprived. His condition had become like a robot, who did mechanically everything on his boss' order, without any questioning of any sort. The challenging surgeries which he liked to do, had now become an ordeal for him. As he came out of the operation theatre, he was drained out of all energy, so he just removed his gloves and robe and went to his cabin.

His cabin was dark, except the sunlight peeping surreptitiously from the window. His cabin was one of the few places where he felt comfortable. He sank down at the chair and soon fell asleep, leaning his head on the table.

But just after ten minutes, someone knocked at the door, bringing him back to the reality from the abyss he was in. Sujay got frustrated and opened the door and Rafiq came in, barging. Sujay got a little alert, and got up rolling his eyes.

"Why weren't you opening the door? I knocked it five times." Rafiq shouted as soon as he came in.

"Don't exaggerate. You did it only one time. And now if you are over with all of this nonsense of yours, please come straight to the point." Sujay replied with irritation. He thought that he deserved a good one or two hour sleep after all the hardwork that he puts into his each and every surgery. His conviction and dedication towards his work had made him one of the most reputed doctors of not only Delhi, but also of India.

"Ok ok. Why are you getting so hyper? I just came here to talk to you for sometime. It has been a while since we haven't even exchanged hi and hello properly." Rafiq replied, trying to calm down Sujay.

"Right now I just want to go home, drop in my bed and sleep. I am seriously not in a mood to talk to anyone." Sujay droned.

"So why didn't you go home? Are you planning to see some more patients?" Rafiq asked.

"No way. Actually I am not in a state to drive before I take a proper one or two hour nap." Sujay answered and then an idea struck his mind. "Rafiq why don't you drive me home today? Also we would be able to talk during the drive." He made the proposal. Rafiq agreed to his suggestion readily.

"So what was the last case about?" Rafiq asked Sujay as they drove their way to his home.

"It was an emergency. A prominent businessman's only son had a bike accident and his head was severely injured. When I assessed his condition for a first time I thought he can be saved only by the God's grace. But then as the operation progressed, I was able to gain control and he was fortunately saved."

"Hmm...after all you are the best neurosurgeon we have in Delhi. Every one expects a lot from you." Rafiq said.

"I didn't want to take up the case because I was really fatigued by the consecutive surgeries. But then I got a call from Dr Sukanya and I had to go. And once I go for the surgery I forget everything." Sujay answered with a tone of seriousness in his voice.

"Yeah. Wasn't that boy wearing any helmet?" Rafiq questioned

"Nope. If he would have worn a helmet, he wouldn't have got such grave injuries. Mainly his head was injured, and so I think it was a crash which involved his head and could have easily been prevented, if he had taken safety measures." Sujay said and after taking a little pause, asked, "Leave this, you tell what is happening in your life?"

"Nothing great. My girlfriend and my parents don't like each other and so the marriage date gets stalled further. I have become like a football, getting kicks from both the sides. Today I will be talking to Ammi about it. Hope it gets successful." Rafiq said.

"That's why I am perfectly single till now. No such dramas of convincing mom and all. Except Anupriya sending me pictures of potential brides, there is nothing much drama in my life." Sujay had an evil grin as he said this.

"You don't have your mom to convince.." But before Rafiq could complete his sentence, Sujay informed Rafiq that they had arrived at Sujay's place. Rafiq was about to say sorry for mentioning his mother, but could not as Sujay had walked off.

Sujay was sleeping when his phone rang. He put his phone on silent and continued to sleep. After a while the continuous buzzing of the phone irritated him and he picked it.

"Hello." A female voice said on the other end.

"Hello. May I know who is this?" Sujay enquired.

"I am Ayesha, the girl who talked to you about taking a room on rent for three months. I suppose you haven't saved my number," the voice replied.
He liked her voice. It was soothing to his ears.

"Umm.....I may have forgotten to save your number. By the way why have you called?"he asked her.

"I had called to inform you that I would be shifting here today, if it is convenient for you," she said.

"Yeah you can shift today. I am free during the day." Sujay informed Ayesha.

"Thank you so much Mr Malhotra. Sorry for the inconvenience. Bye," she said.

"Oh no problem. Bye," he replied and cut the call.

With that he switched off his mobile phone for sometime and fell asleep, unaware of the fact that this call would take his life in a new course.

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