shugo chara-fan fic

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Amu yawns. It's morning already she groans. "Amu! Amu! Amu!" Her mother yelled. "Your going to be late again." "I'm up." Amu yelled back. She got up and got dressed unaware of the blue eyes that watched her through her window. When she got done she plugged in her head phones and grabbed an Apple on her way out the door. She was off to her boring old high school life. She walked down the street not knowing that someone was watching her every move. As she hummed the tune to one of her favorite songs Replay by zendaya. As she neared the school her stomach felt knotted. She didn't have any more friends. Tadase was gone he had transferred in 9th grade. The others slowly moved away as well to. Now it was just Amu left. She was now in 11th grade. She sighed as she sat in her seat. She turned up the song, it was adore you she stared out the window. She wasn't paying attention at all as to what the teacher was saying. Her mind was somewhere else. They all tried to be nice to her, but ever since Ikuto left she had been pretty depressed things only got worse when all the rest of her friends moved away too. Suddenly the teacher slaps a ruler on the desk. She look up at him. "Is there a problem sir?" she said looking him straight in the eye. His harshness softened. "Ppppfffttt" she said and rolled her eyes at him. Of course he was trying to be nice again. He slapped the ruler again on her desk but she didn't even flinch. The rest of the kids however jumped at the noise. "Amu!" he yelled "go to the office we need to chat." "Whatever" she replied and walked out of the classroom. Instead of going to the office however she left the school. She did this on days when she really missed everyone. She walked to the tree where Ikuto always hung out at. She climbed to the very branch that he use to always be. Once settled down she pulled out her note book and began to draw. She felt weird today though like she could smell Ikuto or something. She shook her head. "No." she mumbled "I just miss him way to much." On her paper she drew a boy who she thought she would never see again. One who promised her that he would come back for her. She sighed "where are you Ikuto?" she muttered. Little did she know Ikuto was in the same tree with her. He had been watching her from when she woke up till now. Amu took her head phones off for a second and she caught something. It was her mom talking on the phone. She looked angery. She stormed off. Man, Amu thought how am I gonna tell her I skipped School again if she's like this. Amu then unplugged her head phones so that she could play it without her head phones. Ikuto listened to the song carefully. His eyes widened as he heard her start singing.

"I know there's something in the wake of your smile."

"I get a notion from the look in you eyes.... yeah"

"You've built a love but that love falls apart, a little piece of heaven turns too dark."

"Listen to your heart, when he's calling for you."

"I don't know where your going and I don't know why, but listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye."

She stops singing and tears blurr her eyes. She quickly changes the song to 'want you back' and wipes her eyes. Ikuto laughs silently, he knew she was trying not to think of him. She begins to draw again this time of the sky. She leaned back once she was done and admired her work. She closed her eyes and soon she fell asleep. Her dreams were nightmares. At first they were good memories of Ikuto but then he started to disappear and the world around her grew dark and black. She cried out his name. He grew distant she started to run toward him she screamed his name. She woke herself up after that. She also had woken up Ikuto as well. He looked at her. She sat straight up and her eyes opened and her heart was racing. She had a feeling she was falling. She then hit the first branch. She hit branch after branch until she finally smacked in to the ground. She got up giving the ground a dirty look. She rubbed her butt. She climbed back up and got her stuff. She jumped from branch to branch and then landed squarely on her feet. Back on the ground. She walked home and Ikuto followed her. On her way home Amu thought about how she should tell her mom about her skipping school. She knew that they probably had already called her and told her that she had skipped. When She got to the house her mom was waiting for her at the front door. She walked up to her mom, shocked. "What's going on?" she asked. Her mom looked at her then hugged her. When she pulled away she explained everything. "Honey..." she said. "Me and your father aren't really getting along right now so we decided to split up." She stare at her. "What!! you and dad are getting a divorce?!'' She shouted. Her mom hugged her again. "I'm sorry honey I hope you find someone that will always love you no matter what." She said. "we, well I mean me and your father have to go sign some papers. We'll be gone for at least 4 days, will you be alright, by yourself that is?" She nods. "Okay now let's get inside before people start to ask questions." Her mom says pushing Amu's back a little as they walked away. When they got inside her mom told her she was leaving right now. After they said goodbye and everything Amu went up to her room, curled into a tight ball and began to cry. She sobbed and sobbed. Ikuto felt so bad she had nobody in her life now. He took this chance and slid the door open to her room. He wrapped his arms around her. She turned around shocked to see Ikuto. "Ikuto." she whispered. "Are you really here?" She whispered. He chuckled, "yes I'm really here." He said. She smiled so big and for that moment she forgot about her troubles. She jumped on him. He fell down on to the bed with Amu on top of him. "Amu?" he said shocked. Then he laughed "haven't even been together for a minute and your already on top of me." He teased. She looked at him and blushed, "your the only one left." She whispered into his ear. He made a sad face "where are the others?" Her eyes darted around the room. "They all left. What are you doing here anyways?" she said still not looking at him. He smiled "because of a promise I made a little girl 6 years ago." She blushed, "you still remembered that." "Come on Amu if I remembered that then so do you." She blushed, "so why we're you crying" he asked. She fianally looked at him. Tears came streaming down her face. He felt bad now, he already knew the answer to that, her parents were getting a divorce. One of her tears fell on his face. She sat up getting off him. "My, my p-p-parents are splitting up" she stuttered out. He made a really sad face. He hugged her and then let go. He wiped away her tears with his thumb. And then pushed back her rosey pink hair. They stared at each other for awhile. They then leaned toward each other. Their noses touch and they stopped. They were so close to kissing each other. Amu really wanted to kiss him, badly. Instead she nestled her face into his chest and they stayed that way for awhile. Then Ikuto noticed that she had fallen asleep. He smiled and looked at her, she slept so delicately. When Amu woke up she was laying beside Ikuto. She smiled, so he had really come. She looked at her clock, 10:36. She got out of the bed. Ikuto opened his sleepy eye lids. "Morning." He said. She smiled and said good morning back. He smiled. "I'm going to take a shower, be back in a little bit." She went down to the bathroom and hopped in. When she came out she was wrapped in a towel. Ikuto was surprised she wasn't shouting at him to get out. She dug through clothes when at last she fond something. She went to go change back in the bathroom. When she came back out she was wearing again dark blue Jean shorts with holes and rips in them. She shrugged they were 'in' right now so when she bought them they had the holes in them already. She was wearing a pink half top. It was sparkly and one of the sleeves hung over her shoulder so her shoulder showed. It was short and you could see her belly button. She threw her hair in a ponytail and ate some breakfast, she also made Ikuto some as well. Then she finished putting everything away. "So what are we doing to day?" Ikuto asked. Amu smiled, "I'm going to show you my favorite spots." He looked at her "what do you mean?" He asked her. She giggled, "my fav spots around town." He nodded, "come on let's go." She said eagerly. The whole day they were laughing, doing funny stuff, and trying on clothes and eating food. At last they came to her last favorite spot. "What's this one?" he asked looking at the brick building. it was pretty big and had graffiti all over it. "I saved the best for last." she said and opened the doors to a huge room filled with people dancing. As they walked in the music beat on their chest. the lights were off and lights flashed different colors. they stood in the corner. "What do you think?" She asked looking at him. "it's awesome!" he said smiling and looking around. She smiled, "dance with me!" she said pulling on his arm and dragging him out to the dance floor. He smiled and they started to dance. She turned around and put her back against his chest and they dance like that. He had his hands around her waist which still was uncovered from her shirt. finally at 10:35 they slowed down the song and put on a slow dance, the was a thousand years. They had been laughing and 'dirty dancing' as some people called it. Then when the slow song came on they danced properly or as Ikuto said they waltzed. "Shall we dance?" Ikuto asked as the song came on. My blushed. "I've never slow danced with a guy before." she said. Ikuto laughed and extended his hand. "I'll help you." Amuu looked at him and he smiled at her. Amu smiled and slid her hand in his. and thus they began waltzing (I feel cook using those words like that.. I'm weird okay so don't judge just kidding oh right the story haha oops) They danced gracefully across the floor making other couple stop and watch for a while. then the song need and they stopped dancing. "thanks Ikuto for letting me waltz with you." Amu said. Ikuto smirked. "Anything for my strawberry." he said. Then they came out and headed home, Amu was beat, she was so tired. But despite her tiredness she smiled. Today had been fun with Ikuto, and dancing and trying on funny clothes and eating weird food. She slid her hand in his as she blushed. He smiled, he was glad they were holding hands though, it would of been weird if after dancing like that they didn't hold hands. She put her head on his shoulder as they walked home. "Did you have a fun time?" She asked. He smiled "I sure did." He said back. "Good." She said. I hope we get to do this again she thought. Once they got home Amu put on some pajamas and slipped in a movie. They sat on the couch until a few minutes after it began Amu laid down and put her head on Ikuto's lap. He put a hand on her head and stroked her hair. She soon fell asleep. When she woke up it was 1:45 she looked over at Ikuto and smiled. He hadn't even moved. She snuggled on his lap. She missed these times. Well they didn't happen like this but she felt as if she were complete. She didn't realize that she had gripped his hand and shirt. "Amu?" Ikuto said softly. Amu jumped a little. "Everything okay your squeezing my hand." He asked. She quickly let go. "Sorry." She said wincing as he rubbed his hand. She also let go of his shirt. "Guess I didn't even know I did that." She said looking at him. He bent his head so he could look at her better. Amu blushed they were so close. They moved in closer.
Was this were they kissed? Amu tried to think if she should kiss him first or if he would but he stop right before their lips touched. He brushed aside some of her hair that had fallen into her face. Her heart raced faster. "Are you nervous I can feel your heart racing." He said smirking. She blush, her face was so red. He smiled. "You don't have to be nervous around me." Then he leaned back and closed his eyes, "good night Amu." He said and with that he went to sleep. Amu laid there speechless, so this wasn't we're they kissed. She made a small sad face she almost wanted them to kiss. Then she shook her head and tried to go back to sleep. Her dreams kept going right to Ikuto. Some were where she and him were living happily together. She finally gave up on the idea of sleep and just laid there on Ikuto's lap. As dawn peaked through the Windows Ikuto woke up. He looked at Amu who had just drifted off to sleep. He smiled, he knew she been up all night. He again stroked her head and she nestled her head further onto his lap. He smiled, she was so cute when she slept. At 10:00 Amu finally woke up. She stretched making her shirt go above her belly button. She looked at Ikuto who had been sitting still in the same spot. She smiled, "morning." She said. He smiled back "good morning." He replied. She sat up. "What time is it?" She asked. "It's 10" he said. She looked at him, "really I slept that long, wow I must of been tired. After I woke you up, for some reason I could not go back to sleep." She said. He chuckled and she punched him in the arm. "Hey!" He said, "that's not fair." He teased. Then she suddenly had kissed him on the cheek. He looked shocked at first then he smiled, and kissed her back this time on the lips. Her eyes widened. It finally happened. They finally kissed. When he pulled away she bit her lip and blushed. Ikuto smiled. She put her head on his shoulder. This was nice. She liked it, she liked no loved him. "Ikuto?" She said softly. He looked at her, "yeah?" He asked looking over at her. She blushed, "nothing, never mind." she said. "no I'm serious, tell me what you wanted to say." He prompted. She blushed harder, "I was just going to say that I-I-I li-li-like you." She stuttered out he laughed and she blushed even harder. "Your nervous, how come, you never said it before to someone?" He teased. She nodded. "What you haven't even had a boyfriend or anything!" He says. With her body she could get any guy she wanted, but her clothes were to big for her, except her "party" clothes. Then he smiled and yet she chose him. Wasn't he a lucky guy. Well she said she liked him maybe she'll say she loves him too. "No I haven't." She said bringing him back to reality. He looked at her, "you do now." He said and she blushed. He laughed and put an arm around her. Then bam he went to kiss her. She didn't do anything but as he was going to pull away she kissed him back. He was surprised. She had kissed him back. She put her hand on his face and they kept kissing. She leaned closer. She did it! She had kissed Ikuto back. She didn't stop there though she kept on going it was so hard it took everything she had to stop herself from getting carried away. She finally found enough strength to pull back. Ikuto pulled her back and wrapped his arms around her as they kissed again. She could get use to this. She thought as she put her arms around his neck. She pulled him closer and his chest touched hers. She slowly laid down with Ikuto on top. She ran her fingers through his hair. Things are going fast Ikuto thought. He pulled back. "Slow down princess." He said. She blushed. They sat up and turned on the tv and watched after earth, it was a good movie. She curled up next to him. She was ready to share her life with him, she was ready to love him.

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