The Begining

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(Patty's P.O.V.)

Looking at the deer I pulled back my bow string and launched the arrow and it hit the deer right between the eyes. I start walking back to camp with the deer when I hear screams and then I hear his voice. "Where is she I know she's hear give her to me and you can move on" says the voice I know very well.

"Let the girls go Pan" some unfamiliar voice says I look around the tree to see my lost girls tied up and Pan and his lost boys and some group of people I have never seen. I Ame my arrow at Pans chest and let go of the string sending the arrow flying towards his chest.

But like I knew he would he caught it before it went into his chest. "Come out" Pan yells I walk out from behind the tree with my hood on and Pan looks pleased. "Let the lost girls go Pan before and arrow hits your head" I say loudly.

"What is that a threat" Pan said to me I looked at my lost girls and teleported them away. "Take off the hood little sister" Pan says appearing right in front of me. He rips my hood off and I disappear and reappear leaning on a tree. The people in the group look pleased some are smirking some are just looking from Pan to me.

"If you come with us your girls wont get hurt" Pan whispers to me in my ear. "The thing is Pan I can't ever trust your word" after I whisper that back I blast him and his lost boys to trees and Pan looks surprised. Then my lost girls are next to me and the group of people that were trying to help look at me expecting me to probably kill them.

"All of you get off of my island now and stay off" then me and my lost girls went into the woods and Pan started yelling at the people.

"You bloody idiots i was close to getting my sister its all your fault" Pan screamed.

I stood watching them from the tree branch of the biggest tree in my forest. "I believe that your sister didn't want to come with you Pan" said Rumple also known as my nephew.

I jumped down from the tree and next to Rumple. "He's very right Pan so i suggest you leave my island you are not allowed on it" I said to my childish older brother.

Pan tries to get me but I notice a little boy that i know is my great grandson laying on the ground with no heart.

"What did you do Pan" I said with venom on each word. "Oh i just took his heart so that i could live forever" he said while smirking. The next thing I do is fling my hand out and Pan go's flying into a tree and is then rapped in vines along with his lost boy's. I soon notice one of the lost boy's named Felix is missing then an arrow is shot at me and i catch it with my two sword's.

Everyone looks extremely surprised i was able to do that. "You really think i'm an idiot brother?" I say my British accent very soft and humble. "No, I just thought you would come willingly" Peter said with a deep husky voice.

Then I disappear and a note is left on the ground and Peter walks over and picks it up. It says.........

Peter Pans SisterWhere stories live. Discover now