"Melbourne Here I Come"

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I woke up to my screeching alarm clock, I do not want to wake up, I dont want to fly on a plane practicly my whole day. I quick hopped in the shower just for the fact I dont want to be late for my plane. Afterwards I got out and dryed my hair then threw it up into a messy bun just trying to get into something that i will be comfortable in. I put on my favorite Hollister sweats, an Ed Sheeran tshirt, and then for the final touch, a grey jacket from PacSun. I didnt put on any makeup figuring I would sleep most of the way there.

I ran down the steps to find my mom making me a "going away breakfast". I went to the fridge to grab a glass of milk when I was practicly pushed down to sit by my mother who told me she was making me breakfast and that she was going to get me everything. I was so surprised by my mothers actions, shes not usually this giving. I watched her make pancakes, using her own recipe and they are always amazing. The smell of the sausage on the griddle was making my mouth water. She set the plate of pancakes and sausage on my table and I almost couldn't hold back from eating it all in one bite. As soon as I finished topping off the fluffy stack of pancakes with syrup, I immediatly dug into my food. 

I look up at the clock to find out that it is 8am and my flight leaves at 10am, it takes about a half hour to get there so I might want to hurry my ass up. I ran upstairs grabbing my bags and making sure I have everything I need. Once I get downstairs I am greeted by my mother, tears coming down her face. I walked up to her giving her a hug, as I pulled away shes looks at my luggage and tells me to be very safe and to call her when I get there. I walk out of my house and up to my Kia Optima and open up the trunk and set my luggage inside. I climb into my car and start trying to imagine what its going to be like when I arrive at my appartment. I pull out of the driveway and head to the airport, realizing that I'm on my own from now on.

Once I arrive on the plane I find my seat and grag my phone and plug in my headphones. I turn on my favirote song "Loyal" by Chris Brown and instantly fall asleep. I woke up to the flight attendent who had brunette hair with a tight and very short uniform, it wouldnt surprise me if she got some special tips of some sort. She was very intemidating, thankfully we were the only ones left on the plane. As soon as I reached the lobby of the airport I immediantly text Seth


Gracie: " Hii im finally off the plane and made it safe :) xx

Seth: " Thats great babe im at work right now I will call you when I get off xx


Shortly after I looked at the text, I saw a taxi coming near me. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to catch a taxi. Once the taxi man had seen me he pulled up to the curve letting me climb in. The God awful smell of the taxi was horrible, he should really get some kind of air freshner in there or maybe try to actually clean it for once. I told the man the address as he pulled away from the curb. The rest of the ride was awkward and silent. 

We were finally at the apartment, I got out of the car, grabbed my keys, and struggled to pull out my luggage from the took out the keys the landlord had sent me. I opened up the door to smell flowers and freshness. I looked through the apartment findind the bedroom and setting my luggage in there on the bed and taking out my clothes and placing them into the  drawers. I placed my dresses into my closet along with my pumps and sneakers, the closet was amazingly HUGE and surprisingly i could hardly fit all of my shit in there.

I finally got a call from Seth.


Seth: "Hey babe I just got off of work how was your day?"

Grace: " It was boring, but my apartment is amazing I still havent introduced myself to my neighbors though"

Seth: " Thats great sweetie, im sorry I have to go my mothers calling me. "

Grace: "Okay bye babe love youu!"

Seth: "Bye Grace i'll talk to you later love"


I hung up the phone and quickly got onto twitter, I had a about 5 favirotes. As I was scrolling through them I couldnt believe my fuxking eyes. LUKE BROOKS FAVORITED MY FUXKING TWEET!!! I literally screamed for like a year, I was not sure how to react. I dont think anybody understands what I would do if I met The Janoskians!

I feel asleep instantly dreaming about meeting the Janoskians, and me and Luke getting together, like it would ever happen…


Heyy guys! Well this is my first chapter obviously :) Im pretty excited for how this may turn out, I really hope you like this :)

           - Anne xx

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