Chapter 1

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Class was boring, as usual. I had better things to do during that time, like draw. My pencil danced across the paper to draw the girl I love, Marinette. I know I probably sound lame, but I can't deny the facts. I drew her and I dancing together at a ball. She had a beautiful, long, red, gown on. She looks amazing in red for some reason. I had a nice matching tux that was black with red accents. Her hair was in a really cute bun and mine was the way it always is, just a little neater.

I looked up from my drawing and looked over at Marinette. Sadly, I could only see the back of her head from my seat. But I didn't mind, her hair was one of my favorite things to draw. Black as night, and the sunlight reveals her highlights. I noticed she seemed kind of distracted, maybe even flustered. She was whispering to Alya and fiddling with her hands. Alya pointed at Marinette and then to Adrien and whispered something, and Marinette began to blush. Ok, I could put two and two together. Marinette has something for Adrien. Class finally dismissed, and everyone left. I walked behind everyone, and noticed that Marinette was with Alya. They were trying to talk with Adrien. Alya had her hand around Marinette, who was blushing and looking down at her feet while Adrien was listening. I couldn't bear the thought of them going out as a couple, so I decided to go against the wall outside the classroom so I could listen in on their convo.

"That's all I need to say, the rest is up to you Mari!" Said Alya as she walked out the door. She saw me leaning against the wall and gave me a funny look. "Nathaniel? What are you doing here so late?" She asked with her hands on her hips and a suspicious look. Who did she think she was, the after school police?

"Oh I'm just um..." I looked down at my sketch pad and answered, "I'm just drawing! School is really quiet and peaceful when no one's around, actually."

She eyed me to make sure I wasn't lying and then she said "um alrighty then." Thankfully, she left. I breathed a sigh of relief.

I pressed myself against the wall and listened to their very private conversation. I felt kind of guilty, but the though of Marinette and Adrien being together was eating me up inside.

"A-Adrien, I um, have something I w-want to t-tell you."
"Oh sure, go ahead."
"So I was wondering-hoping, if m-maybe you um......... I mean, it would be r-really cool if you'd, you know, go date a me with on?"
"Uh, sorry Marinette, didn't catch that last part. What did you say?"
"I m-meant to say, a-actually, if you could go on a date with me?"

Marinette spoke quickly and I could hear her force with her question. It must've been hard to ask Adrien that question, which means she really likes him. This was too much to take, my hands were shaking. I had to stay, I had to know what Adrien was going to say. I held my breath, I could hear my heart pounding.

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