Part 2: chapter 4

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Today was my date with Marinette, I was so happy that I woke up smiling. I took off my sweatpants that I was wearing for pajamas and turned the shower on. The cool water felt really nice against my skin. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel over my waist. I looked in the mirror and brushed my teeth. My wet hair kept falling over my eyes and I had to keep pushing it out of the way. After I properly dried myself, I put on a red T-shirt over my pale body some purple jeans, the usual. I put a black zip-up hoodie over me and looked in the mirror again. My hair was still wet, so I tried to dry it with my towel. It looked really messy afterwards.
My mom was making breakfast so I sat down at the table and waited. My dad wasn't home, he probably already left for work.
My mom asked, "What are you doing up so early Nathaniel? Normally you'd still be asleep by now. Did you shower? I thought you only liked to shower at night?" She brought me my breakfast of toast and eggs when she gave me a mischievous smile. "Could it be? Are you having a date today?"
I stiffened up and felt my face get warm. I covered my cheeks with my hands and said, "Wh-what makes you think that?"
My mom gave me a hard pat on the back and I flinched. "That's my boy, going on a date! I was getting worried that you weren't talking to girls much at this age but now you have a girlfriend! What's she like? Is she cute? Is she smart? Does she have glasses? What's her hair color? How old is she-"
"Mom!" I was getting embarrassed. I took a bite of my bread and started at it. "Her name is Marinette. She's sweet and kind, she's always gentle towards me and there for me. Just seeing her or hearing her voice brings me happiness. She's almost always on my mind. Her hands are really small and soft, when she touches me I feel warm." I felt myself relaxing and smiling.
My mom ruffled my hair. "I'm so happy for you, Nathaniel. Please invite her for dinner someday, I'd love to meet her!" My mom smiled at me.
"Sure thing, Mom." I agreed. But inside I started to worry. What would Mari think about my house? Would she like the food my mom makes? I mean it's pretty good but still! Would she think my room is weird or unkept? I finished my breakfast wondering where I should clean and tidy up if I ever invited her to my house.
I walked out of the house with my bag and saw that it was only 11am. I still had lots of time before my date with Mari, so I went to a nearby florist shop. I saw the most beautiful blue flowers and I felt the need to draw them. I took my sketch book out of my bag and slowly began drawing on a nearby bench. I was in another world when suddenly someone pulled me out of it when they touched my shoulder.
"Isn't that flower pretty? It's called a
Himalayan Blue Poppy." The florist said as she smiled at me.
"Yea, it's pretty." It's the same color as Marinette's eyes. "Um, could I maybe buy a single one of these flowers?"
"Well we don't really sell individual flowers, the smaller bouquet we offer is a half dozen flowers. Would that be okay?" She asked.
"Uh, sure thing I guess. Thanks." I said. The florist picked up a bouquet and I followed her to the register.
And that's how I ended up waiting outside of Mari's house with a bouquet of a half dozen
Himalayan Blue Poppies a full hour earlier than I intended. It was too late to go home and come back but too early to tell her I was there. I've really done it this time! I sighed.
Then I heard the bakery door open and saw Mari there. She was wearing a cute red dress with black polka dots and a white T-Shirt under.
"Nathaniel? When did you get here? Where you waiting for a long time? I'm so sorry, I must've gotten the time wrong! I looked out my window and I saw you here and I rushed down here!" Mari looked a little flushed and I saw that her hair was down.
"Your hair looks cute when it's down." I said without thinking.
Mari blush a little harder and ran her fingers through her hair. "You think so? I didn't have time to put them in pigtails like I normally have them." Then I remembered I had flowers in my hands.
I held them out to her and said, "Here, I saw them and I um- I thought of you. They're the same blue as your eyes, so yea I thought you might want some?" My heart was beating faster and I tried not to shake from being nervous.
"Aw Nath, that's so sweet! Thanks so much, they're really pretty." Mari was smiling and she took the flowers. She held onto my sweater and gave me a small kiss. "I'm gonna put these in my room, you can come in the bakery and wait for me there, okay?" She pulled me into the bakery and let go of me. Then she went up the stairs with the flowers.
Mari came down and wrapped her arm around mine as we walked to the art gallery together.
"Ah you left your hair down," I said to her.
She blushed a little. "Yea, well you said it looked pretty so I kept it like this." She wanted to look pretty for me! I smiled at the thought. "Your hair, however, is quite messy."
   I quickly brought my free hand up to my hair and blushed a deep red. "Well, that's because- I didn't have time, wait no- I forgot?"
   Mari laughed at me and smoothed my hair down a little with her free hand. "It's okay, messy hair looks cute on you." Mari I wasn't prepared for that smile or that compliment!
We arrived at the gallery and made our way to the new exhibit. The walls were painted black and there were lots of different forms of art that all centered around a galaxy theme.
   Mari's eyes lit up and she pointed to a dress that was on display. "Look at that Nath! It's so pretty!"
   "Let's go take a look then." I said and she pulled me towards the dress. It was long and really flowy with long sleeves that reached the floor. It was brightly colored and speckled with white stars. The black didn't seem too strong, but its presence was still acknowledgeable.
   "It looks really cool, I like all the colors." I said to her.
   "Yea, it really gives off a good space feeling, you know?" Mari said.
   "'Space feeling' perfect description, Flower." I let out a little laugh.
   Mari softly punched my arm. "Hey, it's better than saying you like all the colors, you can say that about anything!" She said in defense.
   "What about black and white art? Can't say 'the colors look great' in old photographs or pencil art." I pointed out.
   "Well- I mean- that's true... I guess..." Mari said in defeat.
   "Don't worry about it too much, let's go look at the other art." I said as I ruffled her hair. It's cute when it's tied up but she looks even cuter when it's down.
   "Hey don't mess my hair up!" She frowned and tried to fix her hair.
   There were many types of art, from paintings to photographs to sculptures, they all incorporated space themes. We sketched some of the art together, including the dress. It felt nice to forget about all my outside problems *cough cough* Chloé *cough cough* and spend the day with the person I love.
   At the gift shop, we found some really nice bracelets that had a circular charm with a small space decal on it. We bought a pair so we were matching. Yes, it's pretty lame, but it makes me feel somewhat connected with Mari.
   We walked back to the bakery and she gave me a tight hug. "Thanks for going out with me today Nath. I had a really fun time." She smiled at me.
   I hugged her back. "Yea, me too. I love being with you." We let go a little and I rested my forehead on hers. She stood up and we kissed. Her soft lips filled me with warmth. I ran my fingers though her hair and held on for a little longer. When we stopped, she was blushing a little.
   She grabbed my hand and looked kind of sad. "I don't want you to leave." She said quietly.
   "I don't wanna leave either, but I need to go home." I had to help my mom with dinner, but there was no way in hell I was going to say that out loud.
   She averted her eyes away and bit her lip. I gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Don't look so upset, we'll see each other at school tomorrow, okay? I'll walk you to school like I always do." I said to her.
   She silently nodded. "See you tomorrow morning, Nath." She said and gave my hand a small squeeze before letting go and entering the bakery.
   As I walked home, there was a lingering feeling of warmth and sweetness in me. I reached my hand up to my lips and blushed. I'm still not fully used to it, but I don't exactly hate this feeling either.
   'I can't wait for tomorrow' is what I though, but tomorrow was the beginning of a painful mess.

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