right to equality

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White yellow black or brown
They are all colors of skin
our eyes alone perceive the difference well our minds
commit the sin
an orchid however stunning
has no sweet smell to share
A Still Pond however murky
yet has a Lot of uses to bear
all that shines may not be gold
for the heart that reaches out
then why the liberation over color and race
why the scoop for doubt
the outcasts and the shunned question their humiliation in vain
the devil inside of us crackles sardonically
driving us terribly insane
a Man Superior to a woman now who decided
that have you considered asking why
I did an answer that I never got
back there is no answer
for the belief is baseless
they meant to walk hand-in-hand
neither superior to the other shoulder to shoulder the stand a nose two eyes pair of ears a heart some feeling and good deeds

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