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"Hi,my name is Blueberry and I'm new here can you help me find my classroom."Sure,just follow me." I followed her.She showed around the school and said that her name was Kathy she took me outside of school to a room  it was so dark I couldn't see a single thing until the lights came on and saw a group of boys theses boys are not from my school they not wearing uniforms looking at me I saw Kathy she said"Okay there's your girl can I have my money now?"Perfect, here you go.One of the boys give Kathy a hand full of cash"By Blue." Kathy left me alone with the boys.I got really scared until 1 of them talked.
"Don't be afraid we just need to ask you some questions."O-Okay?W-Wait who are you guys?"I'm edge,
I'm Cross,I'm E-Error,and I'm Fresh WAZ UP.Edge looked like a mean person.Cross looked like a person who is full good with evil mixed together.Error he looked like a person who's serious.
And, Fresh looked like a very rad guy.What do you guys want with me?"We're police men working under-cover for a investigation."We've some unfresh information about a criminal gang walking around the school grounds yo."Were looking for someone who comes to this school to help us in this investigation."And you are the perfect person for the job  We've been watching you sense you were a-abOut 7 y-yEars Old-d and your techniquEs are outstanding and your s-slyly when it comes to you wa-anting to h-h-have a cookie😒."Have you guys been spying on me😦I said  being a little concerned.
"Not like that😅."So,what do you say are you up for it yo?"
"Yes,I will admit being a cop under cover  is sssooo cool.I always wanted to be a police officer😄"You should get to your classroom now. "Oh,right bye." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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The Life of BLUEBERRY💙x❤FELL=💜😍 Where stories live. Discover now