Avril woke up. She felt warm and much better. She noticed tha she was lying on bed. How she got here? She did not remember when she went to the bed nor how she got in the bed. She did not have a fever anymore. That was a goos thing. She also noticed that she was naked under the thick blanket. Suddenly the door opened and there was stranger looking at her. Before she got to scream, the stranger spoke.
-Do no be afraid. I wont hurt you. You are in my cottage.
-I...believe you.-although she was still scared his voice calmed her a bit.
-I apologize, but I had to take your cloth off because it was wet and you could die from the fever.
-It was raining. I needed a shelter.-Avril observed him. Her blue eyes were looking his gray. He had short black hair, handsome face and very well formed body. She blushed. Avril tried to held the blanket more thitly around her body.
-I saw your scars. What happened to you?
-It was my father. I told him I did not want to marry the man I was promised to when I came to age. He locked me, but I managed to escape. I was walking through the forest untul I found you cottage.
-That is horible. What kind of father would do something to his own child?
-Mine. He even told me he did not love me.-a single tear fall from her eyes. Erynion wanted to embrace her and tell her that she was safe and that all would be alright, but held himself.
-Are you hungry? I have some food.-she nodded. Her stomach growled to comfirm her respons. Erynion went and came back with bowl full of meat and vegetables. Although she insisted that she could eat herself, he told her thar he would feed her. The food was tastyand when Avril finished the meal Erynion asked her if she would allow him to treat her wounds. Avril accepted and again he went and came back with bottle of some liquid. He poured the liquid on her back and started to massage her. She let a pleased sound.
-What is your name-she asked.
-Erynion and I am elf. And yours?
-That is a lovely name.-her skin was so delicate that he wanted to touch her more like a male than like healer. By gods. It was so long since he had a female in his arms. But he would not take her by force. He was not rapist.-Rest now. We will talk later.-he finished the massage and left.