Lost Within His Songs

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A short story of a mix with the group and Sonny Moore. The names we give as ours are fake.

The group was huffing and puffing by the time they got to the studio of which Sonny Moore was making an another wonderful song. The former group called the _Skrillexrs had been more then ready to promote Skrillex as their own. Each one of the six members never thought of another life outside of Skrillex or their group. It was one March where they all met and began on the rode towards music and the love of Skrillex. Each one of them loved Skrillex as if they made the music themselves. The group was made out of three guys and three girls. It all took one to make everything real and possible for the five other group members. Amanda was her name. She did everything while the five other group members listened to Skrillex for any hidden lyrics and checking the main Skrillex web site of Sonny Moore. It all but took one listen of Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites to become obsessed with Skrillex and Sonny. The group had to make its name somewhere and people were not going to read quotes about some group named _Skrillexrs then it hit Amanda. The next day We_R_The_Skrillexrs were born.

A knock was placed on the studio door by one of the members and out came Sonny Moore himself. Everyone in the group had their mouths haning open then closing it and so on, making everyone look like a fish without water.

"Are you the _Skrillexrs?" Asked Sonny, everyone nodded and Amanda pushed by a few of her team members to shake hands with Moore.

"I'm Amanda Willcox. I make the _Skrillexrs happen." Amanda told him as she shook his hand whilst looking into the depths of his eyes.

"Sonny Moore. You must know that if you write about my work everyday, allday." Sonny said with a laugh and moved aside to let Amanda and her crew inside.

"Yes, you are correct Mr. Moore. I'm sorry about your loss of your mother." Amanda says while taking a look around the large studio.

"It's alright. It has been, what? Two years now? Don't be silly Mrs.Willcox, call me Sonny." Sonny said with a slight tone of annoyance.

"Alright Sonny it is then. Don't be silly Sonny, call me Amanda." She said while a smile and sitting down on a chair. Her team does so also and looking at Sonny as if he would run away any minute. It was a wonderful thing that Sonny was talking to the group who was hoping to make it big with Skrillex's fan page ideas.

"Amanda, how did you find the _Skrillexrs?" Sonny asked then sat down himself, making himself so he was able to see everyone.

"One listen to Scary Monsters and Nice Spirtes and I became obsessed. I looked you up and looked at your web site, listened to your music." Amanda said in a calm voice but under all of that calmness, she was freaking out. "Its quite amazing how I'm not freaking out right now." She added.

"That's very impressive. I would have called you all stalkers but you stalk my music not me." Sonny said but adds a laugh at the end.

"Very funny. I hope we can work togther very soon with your tour coming up soon." Amanda told him while acting if they have been friends for years but still acting like a boss.

"As goes for me." Sonny said, getting up then he grabbed a vodka bottle from a shelf and popped it open then taking out seven shot glasses. Amanda had her right eyebrow up and looked at the shot glasses then the mega DJ as he passed them all out.

"What is this for?" One of the group members asked.

"A toast, what else for?" Sonny asked him.

"I thought you might of been thirsty but I was wrong." The member told him and Sonny laughed as if were so funny.

Sonny lifted his shot glass up in the air and everyone else following.

"A toast to the tour and We are the skrillexrs!" Sonny yells and they all down the vodka.

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