Scavenger Hunt (1)

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Dedicated to @Out0fMyHead for the ship I would never have put together. Your short Run Away (even though they were not the main characters) with that pair this story came about.

This will be a two part story. You will see why as the story progresses.



Luna Lovegood and Harry Potter were sitting across from one another in the Great Hall just talking. Luna loved Harry, as a friend, confidante, and brother. She trusted him with her life and her secrets. He was the only one who knew. He knew who she was head over heels in love with.

As they sat there talking about the ones they loved a magnificent Eagle Owl swept in. It landed between the two and stood proudly waiting for it to be released of the letters it was delivering. One to Luna. One to Harry.

Luna's letter~
(All letter will be written in italics)

My Beautiful Luna,

For years now I have seen you grow into such an amazing woman. In the beginning I just couldn't understand my feeling for you. So I watched, became your friend, and learned that you are such a piece of art.

In those beginning years I fought my feelings. I just didn't understand them. I was young and silly. So when I spoke to a good friend of mine about my feelings he told me I was in love.

It scared me. In love? Could it really be? I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head. Ready to bury them. I couldn't. Each time I saw you they raced to the front to remind me of those thoughts and words.

I was in love. I was in love with Luna Lovegood.

In time I will tell you who I am. You should know by the end of the day. I will be waiting for you. I just hope your feelings will be the same for me.

This will be a scavenger hunt. There will be a new clue at each point. There will be 5 clues until me. The 6th clue will be the answer to a spell to reveal me. If you guess who I am and you have pure intentions I will be revealed. If you guess but my feelings are not matched I will not be. That is to save me from hurting and you from hurting someone. Because I know that you would never truly hurt someone.

Here is your first clue....

Go where Harry saved not 1 but 2 people his fourth year. Under the Beachwood Tree you will find your next clue.

Forever yours.

Luna looked at Harry who seemed to be lost in his own letter, and then looked down at her again.

"Harry?" Luna asked while gently touching his arm.

Harry jerked his head up "It is a letter asking me to go on a scavenger hunt. To find the one who loves me."

"As is mine." Luna smiled

"Are you going to go find them?" Harry asked

"Yes. Here is to hoping that it is the one I truly love." She said with a glowing smile.

"Oh Luna, I hope the same for both of us." Harry said words growing in excitement laced with some fear.

"Good luck Harry Potter." Said Luna in her dreamy voice as she watched him walk out of the Great Hall.

"Good luck to you Luna." Harry yelled back as he disappeared through the huge doors.

Luna skipped to the Black Lake and found the Beach Tree. Under the tree was was a note and a beautiful crown of flowers. In the crown Luna noticed Butterbeer corks weaved throughout.

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