The Full Moon

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After his 5th class of the day, DADA with James and Sirius, Remus headed down the the Hospital Wing. He walked into the ward and over to Madame Pomfrey's office at the end of the long rows of beds. He knocked lightly on the door and immediately heard the matron hurrying to answer it.

"Hullo dear" she said as the door swung open.

"Hello Ma'am" replied Remus sullenly.

"Now dear don't be so glum. It's only for tonight then you will be free for another month." Madame Pomfrey said consolingly.

"Yeah, I know," said Remus, "I just hate transforming... It hurts."

Madame Pomfrey looked at him sadly, "I know dear."

She lead him out if the ward, down the Marble Staircase and out onto the grounds. When they reached the Whomping Willow Madame Pomfrey pulled out her wand and mutteredunder her breath.

A stuck lifted up off the ground and flew through the waving branches and tapped the knot at the base of the trunk. The willow stopped moving and Remus rushed down the tiny passage between two roots.

When Madame Pomfrey had joined him they continued down the sloping passage that lead to an abandoned shack in the outskirts of Hogsmeade.

They hurried along in silence for a while until they reached the entrance to the shack.

"Here you are dear." said Madame Pomfrey as she chivvied Remus into the old bedroom.

"Thanks." He murmured

"Be safe," she replied looking at him sadly.

"I will Madame Pomfrey," Remus replied, a little half smile appearing in his face. "You should go now."

The matron nodded and bustled away through the creaking old house.

Remus stood in the middle of the room and gazed at his hands.

Here I go again He thought

He walked over to the boarded window and looked through the slats at the rising full moon. Remus wondered to himself, Why? Every full moon I go threw this? Why me? Why me!?!? I don't want to this again!

He gripped the window sill and his body convulsed as he cried out in pain. His skin burned and rippled, nails lengthening and bones cracking.

Please guys get here quickly was the last thing he thought as he fell to the floor and was consumed by the wolf inside him.

***James, Sirius and Peter***

"Almost time."

"Lets wait 5 more minutes "


The other three boys sat on their four posters. James stretched and yawned.

"You not telling me you're tired are you Prongs?" Asked Sirius with a smirk.

"No not at all, it's just late." Replied James.

"Where do you want to go tonight? Hogsmeade? The Forbidden Forest?" Asked Sirius.

"Not Hogsmeade again," said Peter, "we almost got caught last time."

"But that's part of the fun!" James said a grin spreading across his pale face.

Pester looked apprehensively around the dorm room.

"C'mon lets go." Said Sirius standing.

"Alright." Replied James and he pulled his invisibility cloak out of his trunk. Peter shuffled over to him and Sirius crouched as James thew the cloak over them. Sirius had to stoop so their feet wouldn't be seen as then snuck out.

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