We Need To Talk

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Hello fluffybears!

I know I don't usually post anything that's not related to my art but.......

We need to talk.

So I recently watched this dramatic video about....EVIL BULLIES.

The things they did were horrifying!It's like they're not just bullying people but THEY'RE RUINING THEIR LIVES.LITERALLY.

I feel so bad for them.And I thought that simply pushing someone or hurting them is bad.

I love and care about you all!And after watching that,I wanted to help you!

I've been quite a bully.Like,teasing my friends,physically and mentally,today.But I'm gonna stop that.I'll go and help you guys through bullying.

If you ever get bullied or you're getting bullied,please talk to me.I can try to help you.I am here to talk to you and help you.

I an here to help you out and talk to you and listen to you.And please don't go through dramatic solutions that could never fix your problems.

And if you are a bully,FÛCK YOU,BÎTCH.You should stop!It hurts a lot of people and ruin their lives.

Remember guys,I care about you and I am here for you.

Goodbye fluffybears and I love you!!!

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