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" yes sir , everything is ready." Said the assistant in a frightened voice.

"You know for who we are organising this event right?" Her boss asked in an authoritative voice.

"Yes sir, The MALHOTRA'S ," She said in a rather shaky voice.

"Good. Now we can't afford a single mistake today. You understood?" The boss said again in a dangerously frightening tone.

"Yes sir," she answered her boss firmly.

Tables? Check
Food? Check
Decoration? Check
Stage? Check

" please god, don't let anyone ruin this today." She prayed sincerely waiting for the arrival of Arjun malhotra.

Omg ! Arjun is here!
I wish I could get a date with him.
He's totally an eye candy. I  want a piece of that.
I'm totally gonna give up anything for him.

He could clearly hear all the whispers and drools of the girls which made nothing but boast his ego more as he walked towards the stage, not even giving a single glance at the girls.And why would he? He's after all One of the most eligible bachelors of the country.

But all that didn't matter to him today. It's his day, in fact his evening. He will be the CEO of Malhotra group of companies after today , making him one of the most powerful and influential persons in the country. He's just minutes away from achieving it and nobody could stop him today. He directly walked to the front taking a seat with the board of directors of his company.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. It really makes me proud standing here in front of you all to announce this today.
Though Arjun is my son, he proved himself worthy of it for this today . With his hard work and lots of efforts he achieved this today and is in front of all." As Dev Malhotra continued his speech , the hall is filled with cheers for Arjun.

Pfff! I know dad ! Please come to the point fast. Arjun waited impatiently.

"It gives me an immense  pleasure to announce the name of next CEO of Malhotra and Singhania group of companies and also future son in law to my beloved friend Ankur Singhania , my son Arjun Malhotra " as soon as he announced this whole of the audience gave a huge round of applause.

It took exactly ten minutes for Arjun to process everything his dad said. Son in law?? Who the hell decides I become son in law to anyone? And Ankur Singhania? I think I heard his name somewhere.  Anyway should clear this asap or else I'm gonna die of a nervous breakdown .

He walked straight to his dad who was busy talking with people attended the party.

"Dad , could I talk to you for a moment? It's really important," he said in a hurry to his dad.

" sure son, now that I'm retired I have all the time in the world," his father told him trying making a joke which hardly got Arjun smile. They moved towards the lone corner of the hall.

" what was that about dad? Son in law?who decided that?" He asked his father in a frustrated voice.

"Oh! I'm so sorry son I forgot to mention. You are going to marry Anika  Singhania daughter of my friends Ankur and Priya. We are planning to merge the companies after marriage actually. " Dev said In very calm tone.

" what the hell dad? How could you forget something like this? I'm not gonna marry anyone." Arjun said almost shouting at his father. And definitely not that devil Anika Singhania , he thought.

" watch your tone boy. I can still strip  off the title from you, remember. So it's good for you to do as I told. And yeah before I forget ,the marriage will be in a month and you are going to meet the girl day after tomorrow.okay! " saying this his father walked away not giving another chance to Arjun say something.

To say shocked is an understatement for the situation Arjun is present at that time.

No! No!no! I'm not gonna give up my bachelorhood that easily and not definitely not for that stupid devil Anika. I'm gonna see your end Anika Singhania. He thought to himself .


" sir , we have reached the airport, " said his secretary to Arjun.

I'm coming for you Anika , and mark my words you are gonna have a hell of  weekend . He thought as he proceeded towards the exit.

You don't know what you have got yourself into Arjun . I'll make your days so memorable  that you'll remember for rest of your life ,Mr. Arjun Malhotra. Anika thought waiting for Arjun at the entrance with a devilish smile on her face.


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