Chapter 19

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Reveena's POV

Today's the day. After weeks of training and muscle pain it's time to put the training to the test. Today, we fight our enemies. And we fight to win. 'Cause I've never lost a fight in my life...and I won't start now.

We were on the battle field in No Man's Land. The name meaning exactly what it says. Soldiers and warriors were everywhere. Telling their wives, husband, and children their last goodbyes. Not promising to be back tomorrow. Not promising anything.

Casey kept nervously fixing my armor. Which consisted of dragon skin, which was mostly unbreakable as a vest and pants. I had on another bullet proof vest on top of that so hopefully it'll do some good.

In the distance I could make out the faces of Brianna and Brian. They walked side by side swords in hand. They finally made it over to me and Casey stepped to my side. For the first time Brian spoke first "Are you ready sister. Do you know what you must do?" His creepy ass voice made me laugh on the inside. I nodded.

Are we going to die Storm asked. We haven't spoken in awhile and that was one of the first things she's said to me in a week. Storm is usually strong and not scared of anything but I could hear the worry and her voice.

Do you want to die I said answering her question with one of my own. No.

Then we're not going to die. That's something I had to tell myself because I didn't know if it was true or not. But one thing I wasn't going to let happen. I wasn't going to let Casey die. Ever. I would gladly give up my life if it meant she could fulfill her's.

"Can I have you attention." Emily's voice was heard over all the noise and commotion. Everyone quited quickly. "I know we weren't expecting this war. But we are supernatural creatures. Wolves, vampires, dragon shifters, fairies, witches, trolls, succumbs, and elementals. It is time for us to come together as one and protect what's our. You are not only fighting for your families. You are fighting for everyone. For mothers, wives, children, elderly, fathers, husbands, sisters, brothers, aunts and uncles, boyfriends and girlfriends. Both supernatural and human alike. Lives are dependent on you now. So kiss your family. Then get out here and kill with a purpose."

Shouts and cheers could be heard throughout the land. I turned towards Casey. I didn't bother in trying to convince her not to fight. I knew she wouldn't listen. When she made made up her mind about something, she stuck to it.

I pulled her into a secluded place without everyone else around. "Are you ready for this" I ask. "As ready as I'll ever be." I pulled her into a hug and held her tight. This might be the last day I see her. "I've always loved your scent" I heard her mumble. "Wildflowers and strawberries" she continued.

She pulled back and her lips immediately found mine. I responded immediately. Savoring the taste of her lips. I held her waist tightly against me. I put absolutely everything in that kiss. Everything I felt for her and more. We pulled back for breath. "I love you" I said first. "And I love you my beautiful mate."

"Let's knock 'em dead" I say and intertwine her hand with mine. I grabbed my sword laced with the purest, dark magic known. It was a force in my hand and was actually a bit heavy.

We took our places in the front. We watched, a deadly silence passing over us as our enemies walked out the forest. We had our faires and witches stationed high up in the trees. Creatures who did best on land stayed there.

I gripped my sword tighter when I caught site of my mother and father. My eyes stayed in him though. "Get Reveena to Zachary Huntington. That is the main goal. I don't care how you do it just don't die and don't let her die."

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