Chapter 2

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Eren stood at the edge of Wall Rose and stared over the town that was scheduled for clean-up. In the near distance he could see titans rampaging their way through the town. No matter how many missions he's been on, he still can't help but feel that rush of adrenaline. It wasn't a pleasant 'adrenaline junkie' rush. No, but one that screamed at him to get out. To run away.

His teams mates were behind him cracking jokes and bantering. It was something they did to keep their spirits up, or to ignore the blunt and obvious fact that they could be heading to their deaths. Eren had eventually learned to drown their voices out.

Mikasa put a soft hand on his shoulder, "Be careful out there. Stay focused on what we have to do then get out."

Eren's eyebrowns furrowed into their usual expression that spoke anger. "You tell me that every mission. I get it." Regardless, he didn't try to push her comforting hand away, nor did he want to.

"SOLDIERS! STAND IN POSITON!" Shadis's voice boomed over the loud bickering that were shared amoungst the others. They quickly scrambled to their positions in line. Mikasa, Eren, Jean, then Connie - who's face was drained white.

She gave his shoulder a quick squeeze before going to stand at her own position, much calmer than the others had. She had no reason to be afraid of Shadis. As the Survey Corps strongest and most valuable enrolled, she knew she could get away with more than your average soldier. And admittingly, she could get cocky with it.

Shadis studied the small group of teenagers in front of him. "Today's job should be an easy one. You all have two jobs, and that is to, one, exterminate every titan that is invading the area, and two, keep an eye on your teammates. That goes for squad 105 as well," he gestured to an area of the wall that was too far off for any of them to see.

"Good luck." He concluded.

Immediately sounds of warcries echoed around them and they charged off into battle. Mikasa had earlier volunteered to be paired off with Eren, and together they flew off to the West Wing. Connie and Jean were left together to take care of the East Wing.

As scared as Eren got during these missions, he was eager to be placed on these missions. There was something inside of him that screamed at him and fueled him with anger and hatred for the Titans. Revenge... It was his top priority. His only goal was to avenge the loved ones he hadshoulders Soon enough, in front of them were two titans. Both were sporting a sick smile too wide for their faces. Mikasa's voice rang out beside him, "12 meters east."

Eren followed her direction while she headed for the larger of the two. Wind whipped through his hair as he sped up to fly parallel to his target. The two Titans at this point have taken notice to his presence. The smaller made a grab at his direction, to which he tactfully avoided.

Mikasa had a different fighting tactic. Eren charged into battle head-on. Mikasa was swift and quiet, stricking her enemies when they least expected it. Other than her brute strength, this is what made her their most valued soldier. She had the power of a hundred normal soldiers combined. And without warning, the larger of the two Titans had suddenly dropped to reveal her figure. Blood sprayed around them like fountain.

The remaining Titan, now aware of Mikasa's presence, forgot about the Brunet and lumbered it's way to her. With it's back turned, Eren fired his hooks into the Titan's shoulders and propelled himself towards the giant. Once clean slice was all it took to bring it down. The fresh blood evaporated seconds after.

The two sheathed their weapons. "That took longer than it should've," Eren muttered more to himself, but loud enough for his partner to hear, "We need to pick it up or we'll be here through the night."

Mikasa wrapped her scarf around her mouth and faintly nodded. They took a moment to gather their wits and formulate an actual plan, eventually deciding to make their way around their part of town in circle to get rid of the Titan's on the outside before attacking the middle and set off on their mission.

The mission went by surprisingly smooth. They made a sort of team with a few members of the 105th squad. With the extra help, almost every Titan had been massacred in three hours. After running into Jean and Connie in the heart of the village, everyone had come to the conclusion that taking a rest stop would be beneficial.

Now their small team of Eren, Mikasa, Jean, Connie, Marlo and Hitch sat occupying Wall Maria. Before the 105th squad set out, they decided it would be best to set up a small camp, in case of fatigue or injury.

The sun was beginning to set, highlighting the sky with a beautiful array of pinks, purples, and oranges. The small crowd sat around a fire that Hitch had volunteered to set up where they continued their banter from earlier. They snacked on the bland rations that came with a pack given to every soldier. They also contained thin blankets, and extra gas tanks and blades.

Jean was in the middle of telling Connie a story that made the others roll their eyes at, "No dude, I swear! If you shove a sword up a Titan's ass they feel it!"

Eren snorted and took the last bite of his ration, "That's horseshit."

"Jaegar if you interrupt me one more time I'm going to fuck you in the ass." Eren stared back with irritation before Jean continued, "So what I'm saying is, keep interrupting."

"Funny." Eren tossed his ration wrapper to the side, "I think I'm going to join the last few soldiers down there to end this clean-up quickly."

"By myself." He added before Mikasa could move to stand by him, "I can handle it myself."

"Be careful, Eren," he nodded in her direction before taking off. It's the small things that make her worry less.

He quietly zipped between the buildings. There was something about times like this that relaxed him. The breeze in his hair, wind blowing in his face, feeling like youre free. But of course, he knew he wasn't free, not really. There weren't many Titan's left, so Eren didn't have to keep a constant look out.

He felt the gear fastened to his hips begin to tremble from the vibrations coming from his hooks and lines. The buildings around him had slight rattle. A Titan's footsteps. Without being able to process much more, he felt a tug from behind him.

Unable to keep his balance, his hooks unlodged from the wall of a building they had been secured to, slamming him into the ground beneath him.

The skin of his hands and abdomen burned from sliding along the pavement. Dragging himself to his forearms, quickly checked himself over and thanked the beyond that nothing had been broken. Before he could drag himself back onto his feet, a giant hand wrapped itself around him.

In front of him was the face of a Titan. Drool dripped frim it's chin, and it's breath smelled of rotting meat. Dark and greasy hair clung to its forehead and neck. Bloodshot eyes starred into emerald.

Eren bit his cheek to cease the urge to scream and soon thick coppery blood filled his mouth. Tears stung the corners of his eyes and that familiar adrenaline rush kicked in. Trembling hands quickly reached of his swords from underneath the Titan's fingers. With a few messy hacks and slices, Eren fell back to the pavement with an oof.

Three giant fingers fell around him. His chest heaved with each breath he took. The Titan was momentarily distracted with his missing fingers, but no where near long enough. It's focus was turned back to Eren, and it reached out the grab him again.

He didn't have enough energy to fight back this time.

Is this it?

Eren bit his bottom lip and let the tears that were threatening to spill run down his cheeks.

This can't be it... This can't be the end...

As the hand was about to wrap around him again, his eyes closed tight. But nothing came. When he slowly opened those green eyes, he titan was frozen still, before he noticed that same fountain of blood coming out from behind it before it collapsed.

His savior stood perched on the Titan's back as it began to evaporate.

Eren's eyes widened and his hand flew up to clasp tightly over his mouth as he choked back a sob when he looked up into a familiar pair of blue eyes.

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